Emmons County, Linton Flood Map Appeal Deadline

New flood maps have been developed for Emmons County and the City of Linton. If residents or businesses feel there is an error in the map, they have a 90-day period to provide scientific or engineering data.
Date: December 29, 2022 - March 29, 2023
Important Date
Event Details
Flood insurance rate map changes for portions of Beaver Creek, Horner’s Ravine, Sheep Shed Coulee, Spring Creek, Spring Creek Overflow, and 3 unnamed tributaries in Emmons County are nearing completion. The new maps will provide more accurate flood risk information that can help local officials and residents make informed decisions about reducing flood risks and purchasing flood insurance.
The mapping project was initiated by Emmons County and the North Dakota Department of Water Resources. It is part of a nationwide effort led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to increase local knowledge of flood risks and support actions to address and reduce those risks.
The project involved flood study work on approximately 14.4 miles of streams in and around the City of Linton, effecting both the City of Linton and the unincorporated areas of Emmons County. New and updated flood insurance rate maps were produced, indicating areas at risk of flooding during a one-percent annual chance flood event. The new floodplain maps will be used to replace the existing floodplain map from 1992.
Before new flood insurance rate maps in Emmons County can become effective, there is a 90-day appeal period during which local residents and business owners can provide additional data for consideration before the maps are final. This appeal period ends on March 29, 2023.
Emmons County and Linton officials encourage residents and business owners to review the proposed flood insurance rate maps to learn about local flood risks, potential future flood insurance requirements, and any concerns or questions about the information provided. The proposed maps can be viewed online at http://www.emmonsnd.com/flood-maps.html and at the county and city offices.
If you have technical and scientific information, such as detailed hydraulic or hydrologic data, you may be able to appeal the flood risk information on the proposed maps during the 90-day Appeal Period. For further details on this process, visit https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_appeals-comments-info-property-owners.pdf. To submit appeals relative to this study, contact Mary Senger, Emmons County Emergency Manager at 701-222-6727; Sharon Jangula, Floodplain Administrator for the City of Linton, at 701-254-4267; or Laura Horner, Risk MAP Program Manager at 701-328-2759.
Event Contact
- Mary Senger, Emmons County Emergency Manager at 701-222-6727;
- Sharon Jangula, Floodplain Administrator for the City of Linton, at 701-254-4267
- Laura Horner, Risk MAP Program Manager at 701-328-2759