Community Recovery Management Toolkit

Disaster recovery is a time of tremendous pressure and work at the community level. Local officials are faced with pressure to rebuild quickly, communicate with stakeholders, resolve conflicts, seek funding from a variety of different agencies, and respond to new grant, contract, and financial requirements. However, disaster recovery is also a time of significant opportunity for communities to rebuild in a thoughtful, equitable, and resilient way.

The resources in this toolkit are geared toward helping community leaders through the long-term disaster recovery process and are intended to be useful at any phase of recovery.

Key Post-Disaster Recovery Resource Topics

Browse our "key resources," which are curated collections to help you get started, or search the full library.

Organize and Lead

Are you trying to determine how to organize or lead your community through disaster recovery?

Manage Grants & Finances

Are you concerned about grant management, community finances, or rules about disaster funding?

Assess, Plan & Decide

Do you want to know how to make informed and strategic decisions for your recovery?

Identify Funding Programs

Do you want to know more about disaster recovery funding and assistance programs?

Search the Full Recovery Management Toolkit

Search through the filterable library of recovery management information to quickly find tools, resources, examples and trainings that most fit your community’s needs. Click the resource's title to see all the information.

Resources provided are for informational purposes only and are compiled with publicly available information. Please directly consult the provider of a potential resource for current program information and to verify the applicability and requirements of a particular program. When you go to another website you are subject to its privacy policies. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies, or applications.

Introduction to Stakeholder Participation

Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Guidance discussing the most important considerations when coordinating stakeholder participation and offers a guide to the most common organizing techniques, including determining when it is needed, and identifying and analyzing stakeholders.

PUBLICATION - Habitat Priority Planner: Enhancing Participatory GIS in Conservation Planning (August 2008) 

Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tool to support local decisions about conservation, restoration, and planning by providing a means of obtaining critical habitat analyses that are consistent, repeatable, and transparent.

Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Participatory Mapping

Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Guide providing community engagement strategies for facilitators leading a participatory mapping process.

Sea Level Rise & Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer

Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA tool providing data and information about the risks of sea level rise, storm surge, and flooding along the coastal United States.

National Renewable Energy Lab - Becoming Resilient: Disaster Planning and Recovery

Department of Energy - National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Examples of NREL Energy Resiliency technical assistance projects in Greensburg, Kansas, Galena, Alaska, New Orleans, Louisiana, and New York and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy.

Rebuilding it Better: Greensburg, Kansas, High Performance Buildings Meeting Energy Savings Goals

Department of Energy - National Renewable Energy Laboratory

A five-year building performance report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of community buildings in Greensburg, KS.

NREL 5 Year Building Performance Report

Department of Energy - National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Case Study from the National Renewable Energy Lab about technical assistance provided to rebuilding Greensburg, KS sustainably.

A Tale of Two Cities: Greensburg Rebuilds as a National Model for Green Communities

Department of Energy - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Case study documenting how experts worked with city leaders, business owners, residents, and others to identify ways to incorporate energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies into rebuilding efforts.

Rising Above the Water: New Orleans Implements Energy Efficiency & Sustainability Practices Following Hurricanes Katrina & Rita

Department of Energy - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Case study on technical assistance provided by DOE and NREL to New Orleans. This includes developing more efficient buildings, evaluating the costs, benefits, and impacts of various energy efficiency and renewable technology policies.

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE): States & Local Communities Renewable Energy Resources

Department of Energy - Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

DOE website that organizes energy efficiency and renewable energy tools and resources, technical assistance tools, and programs.

Last updated