Environmental Assessment for Fairview Beach Riverbank Stabilization Project, Fairview Beach, King George County, Virginia, 2020

Location Region 3, Virginia
Completion Year of Most Recent Document 2020
Level of NEPA Review EA - Environmental Assessment
FEMA Programs HMGP - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Disaster(s) /Year 4262 2016
Incident Type Snowstorm
Signed FONSI/ROD Date

This NEPA collection covers the following topics: Drainage and Flood/Water Control (incl. dams and floodwalls); Shoreline stabilization / Streambank stabilization. It is categorized under these NEPA types: Disaster Grant; Hazard Mitigation.

Fairview Beach Riverbank Final EA

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Fairview Beach Riverbank Stabilization Project, signed 9/9/2020

Last updated