Local Disaster Recovery Managers Responsibilities

Successful recovery depends on all recovery stakeholders having a clear understanding of pre- and post-disaster roles and responsibilities. In keeping with the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) principles, clearly defined roles and responsibilities are a foundation for unity of effort among all recovery partners to jointly identify opportunities, foster partnerships and optimize resources.

The local government has the primary role of planning and managing all aspects of the community’s recovery. Individuals, families and businesses look to local governments to articulate their recovery needs. Those plans should include a Continuity of Government (C O G) and Continuity of Operations (C O O P) Plan. Local government may become overwhelmed and need staffing, recovery expertise, leadership or other assistance. State and Federal officials work with local governments in the development and implementation of their plans and recovery efforts when needed and requested.

Achieving Disaster Recovery describes the components of a successful disaster recovery management system for all levels of government decision making. Coordination, integration, community engagement and management are prominent system elements in keeping with the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) Core Principles of Leadership.

To lead these critical disaster recovery functions, this chapter describes:

  • Recommended Recovery Manager and Recovery Coordinator positions at the local, State, Tribal and Territorial levels
  • New designated Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator (FDRC) positions
  • National-level disaster recovery coordination

The National Disaster Recovery Framework presents and strongly recommends that State governors as well as local government, Tribal and Territorial leaders prepare as part of their disaster recovery plans to appoint Local Disaster Recovery Managers (LDRMs) to lead disaster recovery activities for the jurisdiction.

The role of the Local Disaster Recovery Managers is to organize, coordinate and advance the recovery at the local level. The experience and skill sets of these individuals should include a strong basis in community development and good knowledge of the community’s demographics. While these positions will often interact with the emergency management community, it is not necessary that these individuals be emergency management professionals.

Their primary role is to manage and coordinate the redevelopment and building of community. In addition, the individuals occupying the positions should be able to represent and speak on behalf of their respective chief executives (e.g., mayor). The Local Disaster Recovery Managers serve as the jurisdiction’s primary point of contact with the State Disaster Recovery Coordinator.


  • Serve as primary point of contact (POC) for disaster recovery preparedness with the State and neighboring local and Tribal governments.
  • Coordinate development, training and exercise of jurisdiction disaster recovery plan (Chapter 9).
  • Establish and maintain contacts and networks for disaster recovery resources and support systems.
  • Promulgate principles and practices that further resiliency and sustainability in development and strategic planning initiatives.


  • Lead the creation and coordinate the activities of local recovery-dedicated organizations and initiatives.
  • Work with the SDRC to develop a unified and accessible communication strategy.
  • Participate in damage and impact assessments with other recovery partners.
  • Organize recovery planning processes, which includes individuals with disabilities and others with access issues, seniors and members of underserved communities, to fully engage constituents’ input; lead the development of the community’s or Tribe’s recovery visions, priorities, resources, capability and capacity.
  • Ensure inclusiveness in the community recovery process, including persons with disabilities and limited English proficiency.
  • Communicate recovery priorities to State and Federal governments and other recovery stakeholders and supporters.
  • Incorporate critical mitigation, resilience, sustainability and accessibility-building measures into the recovery plans and efforts.
  • Lead the development of the community’s recovery plans and ensure that they are publicly supported, actionable and feasible based on available funding and capacity.
  • Collaborate with State, Federal and other stakeholders and supporters, such as the business and nonprofit communities, to raise financial support (including long-term capital investment in local businesses) for the community's recovery, leverage the resources where possible and resolve potential duplication of assistance.
  • Work closely with the recovery leadership at all levels to ensure a well-coordinated, timely and well-executed recovery.
  • Develop and implement recovery progress measures and communicate adjustments and improvements to applicable stakeholders and authorities.
Last updated