News and Media: Disaster 4724

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


If you receive a letter from FEMA saying you are ineligible for assistance, don’t panic. It simply means FEMA may need more information. If you disagree with FEMA’s decision about your application, you may appeal. It’s your right.
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LAHAINA, Hawaiʻi – Calls to a Maui County domestic violence hotline have more than doubled as stress levels rise and social and financial pressures mount after the August wildfires, but behavioral health experts and counselors say help is available.
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FEMA works closely with the U.S. Small Business Administration, which provides low-interest disaster loans for homeowners, renters, businesses and nonprofit organizations. SBA disaster loans may cover losses that are not fully covered by insurance or other sources. The SBA is the largest source of federal disaster recovery funds for survivors. Failure to return the SBA loan application may disqualify you from other possible financial assistance from FEMA or other financial resources.
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As you prepare for the holiday season and all it brings, be sure to take time for you. Give yourself a break from the tension. Pause to notice the beauty around you.
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HONOLULU – The deadline to apply for federal disaster assistance has been extended another 30 days, meaning homeowners and renters with uninsured or underinsured damage to their property from the Maui wildfires have until Saturday, Dec. 9, to apply.
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