News and Media: Disaster 4724

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


The U.S. Small Business Administration will open a Disaster Loan Outreach Center at noon Tuesday, Dec. 19, at the Kahului Public Library to help residents and business owners who were impacted by the August wildfires on Maui apply for disaster loans.
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Online classified advertisements are luring Maui wildfire survivors with false offers of available rental units, and people are learning too late that the cash they paid for a security deposit went to a scammer instead
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The Kahului Disaster Recovery Center will close at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15, but disaster-related assistance for survivors of the August wildfires will remain available at multiple locations on Maui.
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FEMA is actively seeking owners of rental units suitable for families and individuals displaced by the Maui Wildfires. The units are offered to survivors for long-term leasing for up to 24 months.
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HONOLULU – Time is winding down for homeowners and renters to apply for FEMA disaster assistance if they had damage or losses to their property from the August wildfires on Maui. You may also apply for a disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration, a FEMA partner in Maui’s recovery.
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