News and Media: Disaster 4724

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


HONOLULU – Mitigation specialists from FEMA have partnered with The Home Depot to offer free advice and tips on how to rebuild homes stronger and safer as Maui residents begin repairing, rebuilding and making improvements to their homes after the August wildfires.
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HONOLULU – The Lahaina Disaster Recovery Center will close permanently on Saturday, April 27, but that doesn’t mean FEMA won’t continue to help the people who were displaced by the August wildfires on Maui or that FEMA is leaving the state.
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FEMA continues to collaborate with Maui County and the State of Hawaiʻi about transitional housing and determining immediate and anticipated needs of families who were displaced by the Aug. 8 wildfires. We encourage families to continue to show regular progress toward their permanent housing plan in order to continue staying in FEMA housing.
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HONOLULU – If you have applied for FEMA disaster assistance but also have homeowners’ or renters’ insurance, you may still be eligible for federal grant funding to cover your uninsured expenses.
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If you received two months of FEMA rental assistance after the Maui wildfires and need more time to plan your recovery, you may be eligible for Continued Temporary Housing Assistance. Under the Individuals and Households Program, if you provide the required documents, you may receive rental assistance for another three months and possibly longer, if needed.
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