News and Media: Disaster 4724

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


HONOLULU – Two weeks are left for homeowners and renters to apply for FEMA disaster assistance if you had damage or losses to your property from the Aug. 8 wildfires on Maui. You may also apply for a disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration, a FEMA partner in Maui’s recovery.
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Today, Hawaii Governor Josh Green met with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, Deputy Administrator Erik Hooks, Chief Federal Response Coordinator Bob Fenton, and other FEMA Senior Staff on the long-term recovery efforts in Maui.
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Unexpected legal issues may arise after a disaster that can leave individuals and families devastated. If you are facing legal issues resulting from the August wildfires on Maui, you can get legal advice.
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Nonprofit organizations, including houses of worship, that had losses caused by the Maui County wildfires and high winds have one week – until Wednesday, Oct. 25 – to submit a Request for Public Assistance from FEMA.
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To reduce dust and runoff of contaminants from the ash and debris on Lahaina properties affected by the Aug. 8 wildfires, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is treating ash and debris with a soil stabilizer. The soil stabilizer is non-toxic once dried, and residents are asked to wait 24 hours after application of the soil stabilizer before entering their property.
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