News and Media: Disaster 4673

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


More than $1.79 billion in federal grants, disaster loans and flood insurance payments has been provided to the state of Florida and households to help survivors jumpstart their recovery after Hurricane Ian.
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The state of Florida and FEMA are providing several kinds of assistance to Floridians in 26 counties whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Ian.
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More than $1.74 billion in federal grants, disaster loans and flood insurance payments has been provided to the state of Florida and to households to help survivors jumpstart their recovery after Hurricane Ian.
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Hurricane Ian has added a new level of uncertainty and frustration to the lives of storm survivors in Florida. While coping with this stress, it is important to check on the emotional wellbeing of yourself, your loved ones, and your neighbors. This is a list of available resources that may help.
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To accelerate the removal of debris from Hurricane Ian in Florida, FEMA is providing limited waivers to the application process for Public Assistance Private Property Debris Removal/Commercial Property Debris Removal. In areas designated with severe damage, FEMA will waive the requirement for approval of applicants for all storm-related residential debris and commercial right-of-way debris.
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