News and Media: Disaster 3593

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Following President Biden’s amended Major Disaster Declaration for Guam on Sunday, FEMA has received nearly 5,300 registrations for assistance and urges survivors to continue to register. More than 630 FEMA personnel are supporting response and recovery efforts in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Additional Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams are being deployed to Guam to help survivors register for federal assistance.
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FEMA continues coordinating meal, supplies and generator deliveries in Guam with local, territorial, federal, nonprofit organizations and private sector partners to help residents recover. 
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Hundreds of personnel from federal agencies and voluntary organizations are in Guam supporting the ongoing response and recovery efforts from Typhoon Mawar. FEMA continues working with local, territorial, federal, nonprofit organizations and private sector partners to get essential services reopened and operational.
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President Biden amended the Major Disaster Declaration for Guam on Sunday, authorizing additional federal assistance to disaster survivors to help aid in their recovery from Typhoon Mawar. Survivors who are uninsured or underinsured can register for assistance that may include funding to repair or replace their homes, temporary housing, access to low-interest loans or other programs to help them jumpstart their recovery.
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Crews continue to work to restore electricity and water service in the affected areas, with more than 65% of Guam’s substations being restored and more than 70% of power restored in areas of Rota of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Feeding and bottled water operations continue as needed and requested by the territory and the commonwealth officials.
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