News and Media: Disaster 3584

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell urges anyone in the path of Hurricane Ian to heed the warning of local officials as this storm begins to make landfall. Ian is predicted to bring life-threatening storm surge and widespread flooding. Criswell said FEMA established a search and rescue coordination group in Miami that includes Urban Search and Rescue teams, Coast Guard, Department of Defense, Department of the Interior and local Florida rescue teams. These teams are prepared to coordinate search and rescue efforts by sea, air and land.
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Florida officials waived toll collections to facilitate evacuations as local officials issued mandatory and voluntary evacuation orders in anticipation of Hurricane Ian.
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FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and the National Hurricane Center's Acting Director Jamie Rhome will conduct a press briefing at the center in Miami to discuss the latest forecast and expected impacts for Hurricane Ian and FEMA's response activities already underway.
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WASHINGTON -- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. approved Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s request for an emergency declaration on Sept. 24, ahead of Tropical Storm Ian. The declaration authorizes FEMA to provide support for emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance under the public assistance program.
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WASHINGTON -- FEMA announced that federal emergency aid has been made available to the state of Florida to supplement the state, tribal and local response efforts due to emergency conditions resulting from Tropical Storm Ian beginning Sept. 23 and continuing.
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