Federated States of Micronesia Typhoon Sudal

Federated States of Micronesia

Incident Period: Apr 8, 2004 - Apr 14, 2004

Declaration Date: Apr 10, 2004

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Funding Obligations

Individual Assistance Amount
Total Housing Assistance (HA) - Dollars Approved $6,374,506.02
Total Other Needs Assistance (ONA) - Dollars Approved $1,738,422.85
Total Individual & Households Program Dollars Approved $8,112,928.87
Individual Assistance Applications Approved 1768
Public Assistance Amount
Emergency Work (Categories A-B) - Dollars Obligated $859,301.52
Permanent Work (Categories C-G) - Dollars Obligated $12,678,864.48
Total Public Assistance Grants Dollars Obligated $13,797,356.33

Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) List

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