Public Notice - Western Waterfront Trail, Duluth, Minn.

Notice Date

The City of Duluth, Saint Louis County, MN, in conjunction with Minnesota Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, has applied for Public Assistance (PA) funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the Western Waterfront Trail. The objective of PA programs is to fund debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned and certain private non-profit facilities. Repairs to the Western Waterfront Trail shoreline (46.716260, -92.196583 to 46.718682, -92.191475) will include hardening the existing revetment by installing riprap, SWPP, geotextile fabric, log root wads and native trees and shrubs. These types of actions are addressed in FEMA’s Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Region V Great Lakes Shoreline Stabilization Projects. The PEA with its Finding of No Significant Impact are available at

Under the National Environmental Policy Act, EO 11988 and EO 11990, public notice is required of any federal actions that may affect floodplains or wetlands. Under the National Historic Preservation Act, public notice is also required for some projects which have the potential to affect historic properties. All necessary permits and approvals will be obtained prior to construction and completion of the project.

Public participation is encouraged. Those interested are invited to comment within 30 days by e-mail to or by mail to:

Duane Castaldi, Regional Environmental Officer

FEMA Region V

536 South Clark Street, 6th Floor

Chicago, IL 60605

Last updated