HWM Pilot Summary: Nashville, TN

This page highlights the Nashville, TN High Water Mark Pilot Project which took place on May 9, 2013. See more High Water Mark case studies.

In May 2010, Nashville experienced unprecedented flooding that resulted in the loss of 11 lives and more than two billion dollars in property damage. Scott Potter, Director of Metro Water Services, welcomed attendees and provided remarks on flood recovery and discussed Home Buyout and Community Development Block Grant Disaster funding.

On May 2, 2013, the three-year anniversary of the May 2010 flood, local and federal agencies and residents met to unveil the first “Know Your Line: Be Flood Aware” High Water Mark sign in England Park in an effort to draw attention to Nashville’s flood risks by displaying how high the water reached in past floods and encouraging citizens to take steps to reduce their risks.

Launch Event Activities

Local and Federal officials reminded the public of their local flood risks. HWM Launch Event activities included:

  • Mayor Karl Dean remarked it was hard to believe three years have passed since the May 2010 flood, when it rained for 48 straight hours, which was more than the city had seen in its recorded history. The mayor added that the placement of the High Water Mark sign at England Park is a way of providing continued education about flood risks so citizens can be better prepared to protect themselves and their property.
  • Scott Potter and Commander DeLapp joined the mayor to unveil the city’s first sign.

Pilot Participants

  • City of Nashville: Mayor Karl Dean; Scott Potter, Tom Palko, Roger Lindsey, and Sonia Harvat (Metro Water Services); Duane Dominy (Metro Council); family members and neighbors of Andrew and Martha England who lost their lives in the 2010 flood.
  • State: Chris Johnson, Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA)
  • Federal: Keith Richardson (HUD – Federal lead); Lt. Col. James A. DeLapp, Benjamin L. Rohrbach, Lacey M. Thomason (USACE); Shannon Williams (USGS); James LaRosa (NOAA); Courtney Partlow (FEMA Contract Support)

Resulting Media Coverage

The HWM Launch Event drew media coverage by local news channels and newspapers. For clips from the event visit

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