Florida State and Local Level Referrals
When a disaster occurs, local governments often work together with community leaders and organizations to provide on-the-ground emergency management. You may also reference our national-level referrals list.
Please contact us with questions or corrections.
For reference, the local resources we list provide disaster recovery services in the categories noted below.

For reference, see the full list of disaster recovery service categories covered in the below local resource list.
These resources are provided solely for the information of individuals using this page. When you go to another website you are subject to its privacy policies. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.
Florida State and Local Level Referrals
Use the "Search" field to look for categories or types of assistance.
Category | Entity | Type of Assistance | Telephone Number |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) | Information on state and private resources available for citizens with disabilities. | 866-273-2273 850-488-4257 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Florida Coordinating Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Counseling, training, communications devices, and interpreter services. | 866-602-3275 850-245-4913 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Disability Rights Florida (DRF) | Statewide designated protection and advocacy system for individuals w/disabilities in the State. Services are free and confidential. | 800-342-0823 850-488-9071 TDD: 800-346-4127 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Florida Association of Centers For Independent Living | A database for locating local Centers for independent living. | 866-575-6004 850-575-6004 |
Access and Functional Needs and Disabilities | Disability Resource Center | Information on state and private resources available for citizens with disabilities. | 850-769-6890; VP: 850-387-1800 |
Aging Services | Florida Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) | Resource directory from Department of Elder Affairs | 800-963-5337 |
Aging Services | Senior Never Alone Program (Miami-Dade County) | This service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organization. Online live chat available. | 786-537-2400 Online Live Chat |
Agricultural Aid | USDA -Florida - Farm Service Agency Office | USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help producers recover from production and physical losses due to drought, flooding, other natural disasters, or quarantine. | 352-379-4500 |
Agricultural Aid | Florida USDA Rural Development Office - Single Family Housing Programs | USDA Rural Development provides low interest mortgages, guaranteed mortgages, 1% interest mortgages for seniors, loans for repairs and mortgage payment assistance for families living in rural areas. | 352-338-3400 |
Consumer Services | Florida Attorney General's Office | Information on price gouging and consumer complaint services. | 866-966-7226 850-414-3300 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Contractors | Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulations -Construction Industry Licensing Board | Contractor's license verification and consumer complaints services. | 850-487-1395 |
Crisis Counseling | Community Crisis Suicide Services | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. | Emergency: 911 211 407-425-2624 |
Crisis Counseling | SMA Healthcare | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. | Emergency: 911 Hotline: 800-539-4228 |
Crisis Counseling | 211 Switchboard Miami / Jewish Community Services of South Florida | 24-hour and toll-free suicide prevention service available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. | Emergency: 911 305-576-6550 TTY: 786-709-9431 |
Disaster Unemployment Assistance | Florida Dept of Economic Opportunity | When Disaster Unemployment Assistance is activated, the agency will provide disaster information. This assistance provides weekly benefit payments to those out of work due to the disaster, including self-employed persons, farm and ranch owners, and others not covered under regular unemployment insurance programs. | Benefits/Claims: 800-204-2418 Main: 850-245-7105 |
Environment | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | Public gateway for locating information, answering questions, processing records requests, & reporting problems | 850-245-2118 |
Essential Needs | Department of Children & Families ACCESS Florida Information Line | Information and application assistance in filing for food stamps, temporary cash assistance, medicaid | 850-300-4323 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Essential Needs | Florida Department of Children and Families | Information and application assistance in filing for food stamps. | 866-762-2237 Customer Call Center: 850-300-4323 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Essential Needs | Florida Dept. of Health - Florida WIC Program | Nutrition evaluation and monthly vouchers to receive free supplemental, highly nutritious foods such as cereal, cheese, milk, eggs, peanut butter and dried beans. | 800-342-3556 |
Essential Needs | FEEDING FLORIDA | This website refers applicants to all food banks in the State of Florida | 211 855-352-3663 |
Essential Needs | Catholic Charities of Central Florida | Catholic Charities provides referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 211 888-658-2828 407-658-1818 |
Essential Needs | All Faiths Food Bank | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 941-379-6333 |
Essential Needs | America's Second Harvest of Tampa Bay | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 813-254-1190 |
Essential Needs | America's Second Harvest of the Big Bend, Inc. | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 850-562-3033 |
Essential Needs | Bread of the Mighty | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 352-336-0839 |
Essential Needs | Bay Area Food Bank - Panhandle | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | Main: 251-653-1617 Panhandle: 850-626-1332 Mississippi Branch: 228-896-6979 |
Essential Needs | Feeding South Florida | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | Broward: 954-518-1818 Palm Beach: 561-331-5441 |
Essential Needs | Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 239-334-7007 |
Essential Needs | Feeding Northeast Florida | Referrals to organizations providing emergency food assistance. | 904-513-1333 |
Family & Protective Services | Florida Abuse Hotline | Online reporting tool is available to professionally-mandated reporters, as well as the general public, as an additional avenue to report suspected cases of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation of children or vulnerable adults. The online reporting tool is in addition to the existing toll free line. | Emergency: 911 800-962-2873 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Financial Assistance | Florida Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) | The Florida Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is designed to help needy families achieve self-sufficiency. | Call Center: 850-300-4323 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Financial Assistance | U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Customer Service Center (SBA) | Low interest mortgages, personal property, and economic injury loans are available to homeowners, renters, and business owners affected by the disaster. | 800-659-2955 TTY: 800-877-8339 |
Fraud | Florida Office of the Attorney General | Information about consumer protection, fraud reporting, and consumer alerts. | Fraud/Price Gouging: 866-966-7226 Lemon Law: 800-321-5366 |
Health Care Services | Department of Child & Family Access Florida Information Line (Medicaid) | Referrals to local state assisted medical facilities and information on how to apply for Medicaid. | 888-419-3456 TTY: 711 or 800-955-8771 |
Health Care Services | Florida Kidcare - CHIPS Program | Information and application assistance in applying for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIPS) which provides free or low cost medical insurance for children. | 888-540-5437 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Identity Theft | Florida Attorney General's Office | Information on price gouging and consumer complaint services. | 866-966-7226 850-414-3300 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Insurance | Florida Department of Financial Services -Toll Free Helpline | General insurance information and fraud reporting services. | 877-693-5236 |
Legal Services | The Florida Bar | Information about lawyer services | 850-561-5600 |
Legal Services | The Florida Bar - Pro Bono Lawyer Referral Sve. (Legal Aid) | Lawyer Referral Service | 850-561-5600 |
Legal Services | Florida Lawyer Referral Service | Under the Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service, lawyers charge nominal fees for the initial 1/2 hour office consultation.. The Bar has four specialty panels: Low-Fee, Elderly, Disability and AIDS. If personal circumstances qualify for referral to one of these specialty panels, client will receive a free initial 1/2 hour office consultation. | 800-342-8011 |
Legal Services | Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida Helpline | To speak directly to an attorney and receive free legal advice | 800-405-1417 Online directory for local offices |
Legal Services | Florida Rural Legal Services | Florida Rural Legal Services, Inc. is a non-profit law firm dedicated to providing quality civil legal advice, representation and education for low income people and communities. | 888-582-3410 Farmworkers: 855-771-3077 |
Legal Services | Legal Services of North Florida Helpline | LSNF provides services and aid to individuals and families with the most critical legal problems. | Tallahassee: 850-385-9007 Pensacola: 850-432-8222 Fort Walton Beach: 850-862-3279 Panama City: 850-769-3581 Quincy: 850-875-9881 |
Legal Services | Senior Legal Helpline | The Senior Legal Helpline provides free legal advice and brief services by telephone appointment to eligible Florida residents age 60 and older, for civil (not criminal) legal problems. Also makes referrals to state and local regulatory agencies, and when it is determined that court representation is necessary, helps seniors find legal providers in their communities. | 888-895-7873 |
Roadside Assistance | My Florida 511 - Traveler Information Service | Recorded road conditions. | 511 |
Roadside Assistance | Florida Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles - Road Closure Website | Road closure website look up. | |
Tax Preparation | Florida Department of Revenue | Tax information for individuals and families. E-services for file and pay of taxes, fees, and remittances. E-services for child support. | 850-488-6800 TTY: 800-955-8771 |
Veterans Services | Florida Department of Veterans Affairs | Information and referral services for state administered veteran benefits. Copies of public records, benefits and services, and State Veterans' Homes. | 2-1-1 844-693-5838 |
Vital Statistics | Florida Department of Motor Vehicles | Replacement drivers licenses, auto registrations, and title services. | 850-617-2000 |
Vital Statistics | Florida Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics | Replacement birth/death/marriage certificates and other vital document services. | 904-359-6900 |
Referrals Last Updated: May 2024