Result of Declared Incident

Appeal Brief Appeal Letter Appeal Analysis

Appeal Brief

ApplicantNutwood Drainage and Levee District
Appeal TypeSecond
PA ID#083-UBGQD-00
PW ID#GMP 133617
Date Signed2023-05-10T16:00:00


During the incident period from February 24 - July 3, 2019, flooding along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers caused breaches and embankment failures along the Applicant’s levee system. FEMA created Grants Manager Project 133617 to document disaster-related damages and to capture costs to restore the Nutwood Drainage and Levee District’s (Applicant) silt basin levee embankments (silt basins)and a drift catcher (Facilities). FEMA inspected the Facilities and reviewed maintenance timesheets and statements, site inspection reports and photographs and determined costs were ineligible because documentation did not demonstrate the Facilities were damaged by the declared event. On appeal, the Applicant described facility maintenance and stated the disaster killed all vegetation on the levees, caused bank erosion and deposited debris on the levees. FEMA requested confirmation of specific sites, facilities and damages, a detailed scope of work, work status and estimated repair costs, and documentation for the newest silt basin and of predisaster condition of the Facilities. The Applicant responded with more maintenance documentation and an invoice and pay bill for the newest silt basin. FEMA denied the appeal. FEMA stated the Applicant did not provide insufficient documentation to demonstrate disaster-related damages to the Facilities. The Applicant’s second appeal reiterates and expands on first appeal arguments.

Authorities and Second Appeals


  • Per 44 C.F.R. § 206.223(a)(1), to be eligible for financial assistance, an item of work must be required as the result of the major disaster. The PAPPG provides that an applicant is responsible for providing documentation to support its claim as eligible and show that work is required to address damage caused by the disaster. FEMA does not provide PA funding for normal maintenance, or the repair of damage caused by deterioration.
  • The Applicant has not provided documentation to demonstrate that the claimed damage to the facilities occurred as a result of the disaster.


The Applicant has not provided documentation to demonstrate that the claimed damage to the facilities occurred as a direct result of the disaster. Therefore, this appeal is denied.


Appeal Letter


Alicia Tate-Nadeau, Director

Illinois Emergency Management Agency

2200 South Dirksen Parkway

Springfield, IL 62703


Edward J. Fanning


Fanning Law Office of Hardin, Inc.

207 West Main Street

P.O. Box 527

Hardin, IL 62047


Re:      Second Appeal – Nutwood Drainage and Levee District, PA ID: 083-UBGQD-00, FEMA-4461-DR-IL, Grants Manager Project 133617 – Result of Declared Incident


Dear Alicia Tate-Nadeau and Edward Fanning:

This is in response to a letter from your office dated February 7, 2023, which transmitted the referenced second appeal on behalf of Nutwood Drainage and Levee District (Applicant). The Applicant is appealing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) denial of $10,000.00 in Public Assistance funding to repair and reseed the Applicant’s silt basin levee embankments and to repair a drift catcher.

As explained in the enclosed analysis, I have determined that the Applicant has not provided documentation to demonstrate that the claimed damage to the facilities occurred as a direct result of the disaster. Therefore, this appeal is denied.

Please inform the Applicant of my decision. This determination is the final decision on this matter pursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.206, Appeals.




                                                                                 Tod Wells

                                                                                 Deputy Director for Policy

                                                                                 Public Assistance Division


cc:  Thomas Sivak  

Regional Administrator

FEMA Region V

Appeal Analysis


During the incident period from February 24 - July 3, 2019, flooding along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers caused breaches and embankment failures along the Nutwood Drainage and Levee District’s (Applicant) levee system. FEMA created Grants Manager Project 133617 to capture requested costs to repair and reseed the Applicant’s silt basin levee embankments (silt basins) and to repair a drift catcher (collectively referred to as Facilities). FEMA inspected the Facilities and reviewed maintenance statements, site inspection reports, and photographs taken during the inspection that showed material loss, scouring, erosion, embankment failure, and dense vegetation at multiple sites. FEMA issued a Determination Memorandum on April 15, 2021, finding costs ineligible because the Applicant’s documentation did not demonstrate that damages were caused by the disaster event.

First Appeal

The Applicant appealed on June 14, 2021 and clarified the project involved only its silt basins, not the main levee that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) had already agreed to repair, and which FEMA had improperly included in its initial denial.[1] The Applicant stated that one of its silt basins was newly constructed and that it provided FEMA the expenditures for that construction. The Applicant also stated that when levees have grass and are in a vegetative state, they do not require repairs, only mowing twice a year, and drainage pipes are cleared out at least twice a year. The Applicant stated the disaster killed all vegetation on the levees and caused bank erosion and deposited debris on the levees. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (Recipient) supported the appeal in its July 2, 2021 transmittal to FEMA.

On June 15, 2022, FEMA issued a Request for Information (RFI) asking the Applicant to: confirm the location of the specific sites and associated damages; provide information on the scope of work, work status, and estimated costs for repairs; and submit construction documentation for the newest silt basin and documentation, such as predisaster photographs, inspection records, or repair records substantiating the predisaster condition. The Applicant responded on July 14, 2022 with additional maintenance statements, the previously-provided timesheets, and an invoice and pay bill for the new silt basin. The Applicant did not address FEMA’s RFI seeking information on specific sites, facilities, damages, scope of work, and work status. The Applicant did not respond to a second RFI for the previously requested information.

On November 28, 2022, the FEMA Region 5 Regional Administrator denied the appeal. FEMA stated the Applicant provided no documentation to substantiate the predisaster condition of the silt basins or enable FEMA to distinguish any disaster-related damages, and documentation did not demonstrate work performed on the silt basins prior to the disaster or establish that silt basins were maintained at any specific slope, grade, elevation or capacity. FEMA also compared pre-and post-disaster aerial images showing similar erosion, slumping, and scouring along the embankments that indicated damages and erosion had been occurring naturally over time.

Second Appeal

The Applicant’s December 28, 2022 second appeal expands on points previously made. The Applicant states photographs in the first appeal denial are not of the area in question and do not show the condition of all the silt basins. The Applicant provides an aerial photograph that it states shows all of the silt basins, and highlights specific photographs taken during the site inspection in March 2020. In an attached statement, the Applicant also describes the flood impacts in more detail, stating over 20 feet of water over the silt basins for 90-to-120 days killed all vegetation on the levees, and caused debris accumulation on the silt basins, wave wash damage to the levees, erosion, and clogged drainage pipes, ditches, and waterways. The Recipient recommends that FEMA take all information presented in consideration of the appeal with its February 7, 2023 transmittal.  



FEMA may provide PA funding to a local government for the repair of a public facility damaged by a major disaster.[2] To be eligible, work must be required as the result of the declared incident.[3] To determine the eligibility of the damage claimed, FEMA may request documentation illustrating the predisaster condition of a facility, e.g., maintenance records and inspection reports.[4] FEMA does not provide PA funding for the repair of damage caused by deterioration, deferred maintenance, the Applicant’s failure to take measures to protect a facility from further damage, or negligence.[5] It is the Applicant’s responsibility to demonstrate that damage was caused directly by the declared incident.[6]

The Applicant claims that damage to its silt basins was a result of the disaster; however, the available evidence does not support the claim. The Applicant’s maintenance records only show mowing, removing minor debris, and keeping drainage pipes clear of debris approximately twice a year, cleaning the drift catcher periodically, and replacing a board as needed. The Applicant has not produced records showing that the silt basins were inspected on a regular basis prior to the disaster. The Applicant also did not include any photographs or imagery showing the predisaster condition of the silt basins. Thus, the available documentation does not demonstrate the predisaster condition of the Facilities. As a result, the documentation the Applicant provides does not demonstrate that the claimed damage to the Facilities occurred as a direct result of the disaster.



The Applicant has not provided documentation to demonstrate that the claimed damage to the Facilities occurred as a direct result of the disaster
. Therefore, this appeal is denied.



[1] Based on the understanding that the silt basin levees were separate from the main levee within USACE authority, FEMA Region 5 did not consider the Applicant’s silt basin levees to be within USACE authority in its determinations.

[2] Robert. T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act § 406(a)(1)(A), Title 42, United States Code § 5172(a)(1)(A) (2018).

[3] Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (44 C.F.R.) § 206.223(a)(1) (2018); Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide, FP 104-009-2, at 19 (Apr. 2018) [hereinafter PAPPG].

[4] PAPPG, at 134-35.

[5] 44 C.F.R. § 206.223(e); PAPPG, at 19-20.

[6] See, e.g., PAPPG, at 9, 19 and 133 (“[I]t is the Applicant’s responsibility to substantiate its claim as eligible. If the Applicant does not provide sufficient documentation to support its claim as eligible, FEMA cannot provide PA funding for the work.”).

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