EHP and Other Compliance
Appeal Brief
Disaster | 4337 |
Applicant | Marshall Creek Community Development District |
Appeal Type | Second |
PA ID# | 109-UG7FV-00 |
PW ID# | GMP 16909/PW 285 |
Date Signed | 2023-11-14T17:00:00 |
Summary Paragraph
From September 4–October 18, 2017, Hurricane Irma caused damage to the state of Florida. The Marshall Creek Community Development District (Applicant) requested Public Assistance funding to repair damages to its Tolomato River boardwalk, located in a designated wetland. FEMA prepared Grants Manager Project 169091/Project Worksheet 285 to document the repair work and mitigation measures. Based on FEMA Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) reviews conducted before FEMA’s obligation, FEMA noted in the project that the Applicant must comply with certain special conditions, including compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA); Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA); and Executive Order (EO) 11990. The Applicant completed the repair work and requested $313,912.53. FEMA sought documentation demonstrating compliance with applicable EHP requirements. The Applicant responded, describing its EO 11990 measures. FEMA issued a Determination Memorandum denying $313,912.53, finding that the Applicant did not comply with CWA, CZMA, and EO 11990 conditions. The Applicant appealed, stating there was no permit required for CWA and CZMA compliance and that it implemented measures to comply with EO 11990. On April 14, 2023, the FEMA Region 4 Regional Administrator denied the appeal, finding that the Applicant did not comply with CWA or CZMA conditions. On June 12, 2023, the Applicant submitted a second appeal, reasserting its claim that no permits were required and that it provided documentation of compliance with EO 11990.
- 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.300(a)-(b), 200.338(b)-(c), (f).
- FEMA Instruction 108-1-1, at 14, 20, FEMA Policy 108.024.4, at 2.
- PAPPG, at 8, 133.
- If an applicant initiates and/or completes work before fulfilling specific EHP documentation and procedural requirements, FEMA may withhold all or partial funding.
- The Applicant did not provide documentation demonstrating that it complied with all requirements of the Federal award, including applicable Federal EHP laws, and therefore the work is ineligible for PA funding.
The Applicant did not provide documentation verifying that it complied with all requirements of FEMA’s PA award, including applicable Federal EHP laws. Therefore, the appeal is denied.
Appeal Letter
Kevin Guthrie
Florida Division of Emergency Management
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
General Manager
Marshall Creek CDD
625 Palencia Club Drive
St. Augustine, FL 32095
Re: Second Appeal – Marshall Creek Community Development District, PA ID: 109-UG7FV-00, FEMA-4337-DR-FL, Grants Manager Project (GMP) 16909/Project Worksheet(s) (PW) 285, EHP and Other Compliance
Dear Kevin Guthrie and Jodi M. Moore:
This is in response to Florida Division of Emergency Management’s letter dated August 1, 2023, which transmitted the referenced second appeal on behalf of Marshall Creek Community Development District (Applicant). The Applicant is appealing the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) denial of Public Assistance (PA) funding in the amount of $313,912.53 for boardwalk repairs.
As explained in the enclosed analysis, I have determined the Applicant did not provide documentation verifying that it complied with all requirements of FEMA’s PA award, including applicable Federal Environmental and Historic Prevention laws. Therefore, the appeal is denied.
This determination is the final decision on this matter pursuant to 44 C.F.R. § 206.206, Appeals.
Robert Pesapane
Division Director
Public Assistance Division
cc: Robert D. Samaan
Regional Administrator
FEMA Region 4
Appeal Analysis
From September 4 - October 18, 2017, Hurricane Irma caused damage to the state of Florida.[1] The Marshall Creek Community Development District (Applicant) requested Public Assistance (PA) funding to repair damages to the structural components of its Tolomato River boardwalk (Facility), located in a designated wetland.[2] On October 26, 2018, FEMA approved $301,638.71 in Grants Manager Project 16909/Project Worksheet 285 for repair work and mitigation measures to the Facility. Based on FEMA Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) reviews conducted before FEMA’s obligation, FEMA noted in the project that the Applicant must comply with certain special conditions, including compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA); Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA); and Executive Order (EO) 11990.[3] Thereafter, the Applicant notified FEMA it had completed the repair and mitigation work and requested an additional $12,273.82 in PA funding (for a total project cost of $313,912.53). FEMA sent two requests seeking documentation demonstrating compliance with applicable EHP requirements. The Applicant provided a response describing its EO 11990 measures.[4] FEMA issued a Determination Memorandum, finding all the requested funding was ineligible for PA because the Applicant did not comply with CWA, CZMA, and EO 11990 conditions.[5]
First Appeal
On April 22, 2022, the Applicant submitted a first appeal to the Florida Division of Emergency Management (Recipient), seeking $313,912.53. The Applicant stated that, in 2002-2003, prior to constructing the Facility, it corresponded with the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the U.S. Coast Guard regarding initial permits. The Applicant asserted that it complied with FEMA’s EHP conditions because USACE issued a “No Permit Required” determination related to the Facility’s construction. The Applicant further stated that, after the disaster, USACE communicated that there was no permit required for the repairs. Finally, the Applicant stated that during disaster repairs, it used floating turbidity barriers and a silt fence, as needed, to comply with EO 11990. On June 15, 2022, the Florida Division of Emergency Management (Recipient) transmitted the first appeal with a letter recommending approval. On April 14, 2023, the FEMA Region 4 Regional Administrator denied the appeal, finding that the Applicant did not provide sufficient documentation to verify EHP coordination with USACE or the Florida Department of Environmental Protection/SJRWMD or the Applicant’s compliance with the CWA or CZMA conditions.
Second Appeal
The Applicant submits a second appeal letter dated June 12, 2023, requesting $313,912.53 and reiterating its claim that it met CWA and CZMA conditions because no federal permit was required and that it provided documentation of compliance with EO 11990. The Applicant submits new documentation, including: a 2003 SJRWMD construction permit;[6] a 2016 email referencing a telephone call with USACE regarding a permit;[7] an email referencing a phone call with SJRWMD;[8] and Facility repair plans for turbidity barriers and silt fences. The Applicant also expands its first appeal argument regarding CWA compliance. It states that although records regarding Facility construction permit communications with the USACE are unavailable, a 2003 construction permit and 2016 email verify that USACE did not require a permit for the disaster work under appeal. The Recipient transmitted the second appeal with its August 1, 2023 letter, recommending approval.
Applicants are responsible for complying with all requirements of the Federal award, including applicable Federal, State, Territorial, or Tribal EHP laws.[9] FEMA must review each PA project to ensure the work complies with applicable Federal EHP laws and their implementing regulations, and applicable EOs.[10] If an applicant initiates and/or completes work before fulfilling specific EHP documentation and procedural requirements, FEMA may withhold all or partial funding.[11] It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide documentation to substantiate its claim as eligible.[12]
Here, although the Applicant asserts that USACE issued a permitting decision related to the Facility’s construction that also applies to its disaster-related repair work, it did not provide documentation from USACE to support this assertion. Instead, the Applicant provided a 2016 email which references a telephone call, to support its claim that USACE determined that certain repair work did not require a permit. However, the referenced communication with USACE was unrelated to the EHP condition attached to this project because the telephone call occurred one year prior to this disaster, and two years before the Applicant completed the work at issue. The Applicant also provided a June 10, 2003 SJRWMD Construction Permit that expired on June 10, 2008, approximately 10 years before the Applicant repaired the Facility.[13] Finally, in a June 5, 2023 email, the Applicant noted the month and day of a telephone call with a SJRWMD engineer, but this information similarly does not verify the Applicant’s claim that SJRWMD did not require a permit to conduct the repair work. Because the Applicant did not provide documentation demonstrating that it complied with all requirements of the Federal award, including applicable Federal EHP laws, the work is ineligible for PA funding.
[1] The President declared a major disaster (FEMA-4337-DR-FL) on September 10, 2017.
[2] See generally, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory, surface waters and wetlands, (last visited Oct. 25, 2023).
[3] See FEMA Record of Environmental Conditions (REC), PA-04-FL-4337-PW-00285, Tolomato Boardwalk (May 10, 2018) (noting that the project was zero percent complete, and for CWA compliance, requiring coordination with, and obtaining any required Section 404 permits from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and/or any Section 401/402 Permits from State authorities prior to initiating work, and documenting all coordination pertaining to these activities) and REC, PA-04-FL-4337-PW-00285, ST 16909 – Tolomato Boardwalk (Aug. 15, 2018) (stating that changes to Direct Administrative Costs and mitigation costs did not affect the original scope of work, no additional EHP review was required, and the EHP conditions of the prior REC remained in effect).
[4] Letter from Marshall Creek Community Development Dist., Dist. Eng’r to FL Div. of Emergency Management (July 23, 2021) (stating that, during construction, the contractor for the project was required per the
construction plans to include floating turbidity barriers and silt fence as needed to comply with EO 11990).
[5] FEMA drafted a revised version of this PW that anticipates, pending the outcome of the second appeal decision, deobligating the $301,638.71 in previously awarded funding.
[6] St. Johns River Water Management District, Permit Number 4-109-56730-19, Palencia Boardwalks (June 10, 2003) [hereinafter SJRWMD Construction Permit].
[7] Email from Senior Landscape Architect, Prosser, to Representatives, Applicant (June 14, 2016, 10:50 EDT) (referencing a telephone call between Prosser and USACE, stating that USACE classified the Facility as “bridge” falling under the US Coast Guard’s authority, asserting that the Coast Guard did not want to “permit it,” and concluding that therefore USACE issued a “No Permit Needed” determination).
[8] Email from Applicant’s representative to Disaster Law and Consulting (June 5, 2023) (stating that a call occurred on May 23, 2023, with SJRWMD Supervising Professional Engineer).
[9] Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide, FP 104-009-2, at 8 (Apr. 1, 2018) [hereinafter PAPPG].
[10] Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 C.F.R.) § 200.300(a) (2017); PAPPG, at 8.
[11] See 2 C.F.R. § 200.338; FEMA Instruction 108-1-1, Instruction on Implementation of the Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Responsibilities and Program Requirements, at 20 (Oct. 10, 2018); FEMA Policy 108.024.4, Projects Initiated Without Environmental Review Required by the National Environmental Policy Act, at 2 (Dec. 18, 2013).
[12] PAPPG, at 133; see also FEMA Instruction 108-1-1, at 14 (“EHP documentation will contain or reference the letter, permit, or consultation documents necessary to comply with each EHP requirement separately”).
[13] SeeSJRWMD Construction Permit, Conditions for Issuance of Permit Number 4-109-56730-19 Marshall Creek Community Development District, at condition 16 (Jun. 10, 2003) (stating that the permit for construction will expire five years from the date of issuance).