Region 10




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FEMA Region 10 office, located in Bothell, WA, partners with federal emergency management for 271 Tribal Nations and the following states.


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Acting Regional Administrator

A stock figure of a man

Acting Deputy Regional Administrator

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Regional News and Information

This Fact Sheet provides information about FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program and the State of Alaska’s Individual Assistance Program that may assist your household with uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs.
illustration of page of paper Fact Sheet | Published:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. – The FEMA Disaster Recovery Center located in Juneau, Alaska, will be adjusting its hours on November 9 and 10, and close on November 11 to observe Veterans Day. It will reopen on November 12 with a new schedule to continue providing one-on-one assistance for people affected by the August 5-6 Juneau Mendenhall Glacier flooding.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams (DSAT) will begin visiting neighborhoods in the City and Borough of Juneau starting this week to help residents who experienced damage from the Juneau Mendenhall Glacier (Áakʼw Tʼáak Sít’ and Sít’ Aant’aakú) flooding on August 5-6.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – FEMA is opening a Disaster Recovery Center on Wednesday, October 30 in Juneau, Alaska to provide one-on-one assistance for people affected by the August 5-6 Juneau Mendenhall glacier flooding.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
FEMA Individual Assistance is now available for residents in the City and Borough of Juneau affected by the flooding that occurred August 5-6, 2024. Assistance may include funds for home repairs, temporary rental assistance, damaged vehicles and essential personal property, loss of subsistence items, as well as medical, dental, and funeral expenses caused by the disaster.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
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