Madison Malo

Madison Malo
Youth Preparedness Council

Region 5 - Wisconsin

Madison Malo is a 12th grade student from Wisconsin. She was drawn to preparedness through her passion for raising awareness about the impacts of climate change. During her time on the national YPC she hopes to raise awareness of animal preparedness, an often-overlooked aspect of emergency planning. 

As a member of the FEMA Region 5 YPC, she is currently working on a preparedness project that uses Prepare with Pedro lessons on climate change to create a specialized curriculum for her region to teach children about disasters and how to prepare for them. For the past three years, she has also been a dedicated volunteer at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary, where she cares for injured wildlife. This experience has increased her understanding of climate change’s impact on local ecosystems. At school, Madison organizes the Middle School Leadership Conference, manages freshman orientation and is the future stage manager for musicals and plays. 

In her free time, Madison is an avid reader with a penchant for non-fiction and fantasy. As an aspiring veterinarian, she also enjoys spending time with animals. 

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