Anjali Mukundan

Anjali Mukundan
Youth Preparedness Council

Region 3 - Virginia

Anjali is an 11th grade student from Virginia who has learned the importance of emergency response and preparedness through firsthand experience. She lived less than 40 miles from the epicenter of a 5.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Virginia in 2011 and can still vividly recall the confusion about what do to. The earthquake sparked her interest in preparedness because it helped Anjali realize how important it is to have a clear plan about what to do during an emergency. As a member of the YPC, she would like to create online training modules to teach others how to react after an earthquake before first responders and emergency management teams arrive.

Anjali is an EMT in training as well as a member of her Virginia county’s Fire Explorer program, where she has volunteered in fire station ride-alongs and helped treat patients with medical emergencies. The program has also given her an opportunity to volunteer with emergency management services at a theme park and at NASCAR events. This experience has made Anjali more invested in teaching people about preparedness so they can be ready for emergencies rather than just waiting for help to arrive.

As a member of the Youth Conservation Leadership Institute, Anjali helped create an interactive presentation and video on recycling and climate change for all fourth-grade students in her county. She has also been the team lead for the senior capstone celebration and is the vice president of events at her school. Anjali is pursuing earning a youth Congressional Award gold medal for community involvement and volunteer service in recognition of her activities and achievements.

In her free time, Anjali enjoys reading novels, swimming, dancing, and spending time with friends.

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