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Salt Lake County Eligible for FEMA Public Assistance Funding for Magna Earthquake

Release Date:
一月 4, 2021

SALT LAKE CITY – On Dec. 31, 2020 President Trump announced additional disaster assistance is available for Salt Lake County. The aid comes in the form FEMA Public Assistance funding to supplement state and local efforts to recover from the Magna Quake and aftershocks between March 18 and April 17, 2020.

Assistance covers eligible disaster-related debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair or rebuilding of public facilities such as roads, bridges, water control facilities, buildings, equipment, public utilities, parks and recreational facilities.

Public Assistance reimbursements are made on a cost-sharing basis to counties, municipalities, state, tribes and certain private nonprofit organizations for emergency work and restoration of infrastructure. The federal cost share is no less that 75 percent, with the state and local applicant responsible for remaining costs.

The Utah Division of Emergency Management will be providing information directly to the eligible applicants on how to apply for assistance.

For more information on Utah’s recovery from the Magna Quake, visit,, or
