A major component of the National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP's) Community Assistance Program (CAP). The CAV is a visit to a community by a FEMA staff member or staff of a State agency on behalf of FEMA that serves the dual purpose of providing technical assistance to the community and assuring that the community is adequately enforcing its floodplain management regulations. Generally, a CAV consists of a tour of the floodplain, an inspection of community permit files, and meetings with local appointed and elected officials. If any administrative problems or potential violations are identified during a CAV the community will be notified and given the opportunity to correct those administrative procedures and remedy the violations to the maximum extent possible within established deadlines. FEMA or the State will work with the community to help them bring their program into compliance with NFIP requirements. In extreme cases where the community does not take action to bring itself into compliance, FEMA may initiate and enforcement action against the community.
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