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North Carolina Tropical Storm Helene
Kipindi cha Tukio: Sep 25, 2024 - Dec 18, 2024
Tarehe ya Kutangaza: Sep 28, 2024
Viunganishi vya Haraka
- Rasilimali za urejeshaji: Jimbo na Mitaa | Kitaifa
- Wasiliana: Mitandao ya Kijamii | Programu ya Simu na Ujumbe
- Ushauri masaa 24/7: Nambari ya Msaada ya Majanga
Kwenye Ukurasa Huu
Mengi zaidi Kuhusu Janga Hili
Rasilimali za Mitaani
Habari za Mitaani
Habari za Nchini na Vyombo vya Habari
Tembelea ukurasa wa Habari na Vyombo vya Habari kwa matukio, karatasi za ukweli, taarifa kwa vyombo vya habari na njia zingine za mawasiliano.
Housing Assistance
Survivors of Tropical Storm Helene in North Carolina who sustained damage to their primary residences may be eligible for one or more FEMA sheltering and temporary housing solutions. Watch a video about available programs for North Carolina survivors.
Other Resources
Debris Removal Assistance
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is helping local governments remove, reduce, and dispose of debris in counties designated under the disaster declaration. This support is provided as direct federal assistance from FEMA at the request of the state. Learn more about USACE debris removal assistance.
Disaster Debris Management
If you are a local emergency manager, learn about the following debris removal topics by attending this webinar:
- private property debris removal
- commercial property debris removal
- removal reimbursement eligibility information for waterways, public parks, private roads and gated communities
Helene: Rumor Response
Misinformation and rumors can spread quickly after a disaster. Keep your community safe by being aware of common rumors about Tropical Storm Helene.
Beware of Fraud and Scams
There is a heightened risk of fraud and identity theft after a disaster. Visit Disaster Fraud for tips to protect your identity and stay informed. If you believe you are the victim of a scam, report it immediately to your local police or contact the Office of the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division.
Prescription Assistance
Uninsured North Carolina residents in areas impacted by Tropical Storm Helene can replace their 30-day supply of certain prescription medications, durable medical equipment, and medical supplies from any pharmacy that participates in the Emergency Prescription Assistance Program (EPAP) . Residents in 179 North Carolina zip codes are eligible to apply for EPAP assistance.
To find a participating pharmacy near you, use our pharmacy locator. For help enrolling in the EPAP program, call the enrollment hotline at 1-855-793-7470 (TDD 1-800-876-1089).
Jinsi ya Kusaidia
Kujitolea na Kutoa Michango
Kurejesha kunaweza kuchukua miaka mingi baada ya janga. Kuna njia nyingi za kusaidia kama vile kutoa pesa taslimu, vitu vinavyohitajika au wakati wako. Jifunze zaidi kuhusu jinsi ya kuwasaidia wale wanaohitaji.
Usijitume kwenye maeneo ya majanga. Mashirika yanayoaminika katika maeneo yaliyoathiriwa yanajua mahali watu wa kujitolea wanahitajika. Fanya kazi na shirika linaloaminika ili kuhakikisha kuwa una usalama, mafunzo na ujuzi ufaao unaohitajika ili kujitolea.
Wakala wa Ushirikiano wa Kujitolea wa FEMA (VALs) hujenga uhusiano na kuratibu juhudi na mashirika ya hiari, ya kidini na ya kijamii yanayojishughulisha na majanga.
Kufanya Biashara na FEMA
Iwapo ungependa kutoa huduma na bidhaa zinazolipiwa kwa ajili ya usaidizi wa majanga, tembelea ukurasa wetu wa Kufanya Biashara na FEMA ili kuanza.
Ikiwa unamiliki biashara inayohusika na uondoaji wa vifusi na ungependa kufanya kazi ya kusafisha maeneo yaliyoathirika, tafadhali wasiliana na serikali ya mtaa katika maeneo yaliyoathirika ili kutoa huduma zako.
Majukumu ya Ufadhili
Usaidizi wa Mtu Binafsi | Kiasi |
Jumla ya Msaada wa Makao (HA) - Dola Zilizoidhinishwa | $157,375,823.74 |
Jumla ya Msaada wa Mahitaji Mengine (ONA) - Dola Zilizoidhinishwa | $251,938,780.02 |
Jumla ya Dola za Mpango wa Mtu Binafsi na Familia Zilizoidhinishwa | $409,314,603.76 |
Maombi ya Msaada wa Mtu Binafsi Yameidhinishwa | 157937 |