Dr. Ronnen Levinson

Dr. Ronnen Levinson

Staff Scientist and Leader of the Heat Island Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Based in Berkely, California, Dr. Ronnen Levinson’s research portfolio develops cool roof, wall, and pavement materials; improves methods for the measurement of solar reflectance; and quantifies the energy and environmental benefits of cool surfaces. He serves on the boards and technical committees of the Cool Roof Rating Council and the Global Cool Cities Alliance, and advises policymakers, code officials, utilities, and building rating programs about cool surfaces. 

He holds a B.S. in engineering physics from Cornell University and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. He has authored or co-authored over 100 publications and serves on the editorial boards of Energy & Buildings, Solar Energy, Solar Energy Advances, and Scientific Reports. 


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