FEMA Media Library

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Public Notice for Long-Term Sustainability for Provo’s Water Supply, EMD-2021-BR-063-0001, September 2023

As of September 10, 2024, FEMA has paid 9,666 claims totaling $1.17B. Of the $1.17B paid, $930.6M has gone to individuals and households, $193.7M to businesses, $5.3M to government, $10.3M to Tribal Nations, $10.8M to nonprofits, and $21.6M to other entities. Currently, 141 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) plans are in process. The Claims Office has paid 867 NRCS plans, with $289.9M paid to individuals and households and $10.1M paid to nonprofits.
Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon By the Numbers 9/10/24

A partir del 10 de septiembre de 2024, FEMA ha pagado 9,666 reclamaciones por un total de $1.17 mil millones. "Pagado" significa que FEMA ha enviado una solicitud de pago al Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. En el 85% de las reclamaciones, la Oficina de Reclamaciones ha compensado el monto solicitado por el reclamante o más. De los $1.17 mil millones pagados, $930.6 millones han ido a individuos y hogares, $193.7 millones a negocios, $5.3 millones a gobiernos, $10.3 millones a Naciones Tribales, $10.8 millones
Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon en números 9/10/24

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Final Environmental Assessment including FONSI signed 08/30/2024 for City of New Haven, Inland and Coastal Flood Resiliency Project, EMB-2021-BR-002-0005, September 2024

Recovery Support Function Leadership Group financial data - July 31, 2024

Recovery Support Function Leadership Group financial data - July 31, 2024

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2024 FEMA Risk Communications, Crisis Communications and Community Engagement Summit Report

Recovery Support Function Leadership Group financial data - July 31, 2024

Recovery Support Function Leadership Group financial data - July 31, 2024

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FEMA GO Passthrough Award Acceptance Guide

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Request a Payment Guide - FEMA GO

This guide provides instructions for External FEMA GO Users to log-in, navigate the system, complete a request for payment, and view the request or FEMA decision.

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Missouri Recovery Update Vol. 2