Building Science Resource Library
The Building Science Resource Library contains all of FEMA’s hazard-specific guidance that focuses on creating hazard-resistant communities.
You can search for a document by its title, or filter the collection to browse by:
- Topic: High winds, flood, earthquake, etc.
- Document Type: Brochure, report, fact sheet, infographic, etc.
- Audience: Building professionals & engineers, individuals & homeowners, teachers & kids, etc.
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The Bulletins are changing to update and streamline their content and presentation. These changes are captured in this fact sheet.
Provides guidance on the NFIP regulations concerning the required use of flood-damage resistant construction materials for building components located below the Base Flood Elevation in Special Flood Hazard Areas (both A and V zones).
The Playbook is intended for officials interested in increasing community resilience and reducing loss from natural hazards by adopting the latest editions of model building codes. The Playbook provides general steps to help navigate the code adoption process and informs about FEMA grants available to support building code adoption and enforcement activities.
When you read this document, you will learn about actions you can take as either a homeowner or renter to reduce the potential of flood damage to your residence. These actions are called “mitigation” because they will mitigate—reduce or lessen—the loss of life, injuries, and property damage that can happen during urban floods. The mitigation measures described include how to address sewer backup and surface flooding, actions that help reduce flood damage in your home, and how to protect equipment and appliances.
Building Science training courses allow participants to gain access to expert insights, cutting-edge research, and practical tools to address complex challenges in building design, construction, and resilience.
This document contains excerpts of the flood-resistant provisions from the 2024 editions of the International Codes® (I-Codes®) and was prepared by FEMA with permission from the International Code Council (ICC).
This instructional guidance is for design professionals for designing buildings or other structures for flood loads in accordance with the requirements of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) / Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) standard ASCE 7-22, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, Supplement 2 (ASCE 7-22-S2). In addition to the detailed guidance provided on ASCE 7-22-S2, the guide contains worked examples, extended guidance on topics such as coastal erosion, and an overview of floodplain management requirements. This guide may also be used by building officials and floodplain managers to assist in regulating to the requirements in ASCE 7-22-S2.