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C.3. Application and Submission Information

All subapplications submitted to FEMA must meet the eligibility criteria in Part 4. All subapplications must have a scoping narrative in accordance with Part 6.

A technical assistance scope of work should include the following items:

  • A description of the tasks needed to accomplish the proposed activity as well as any procurement that would be required.
  • A description of how the proposed activity aligns with the current mitigation plan.
  • The outreach and engagement plan (if applicable) and an account for the time and effort it may take to incorporate public and stakeholder feedback.
  • The goals of the project scoping/advance assistance activity and specific deliverables.
  • The steps the subapplicant will follow to complete the project scoping/advance assistance activity and proposed deliverables. The scope of work should identify a deliverable that includes required information to determine eligibility under HMA (e.g., engineering, cost-effectiveness and EHP data, cost estimate, project schedule, design plan or specifications).
  • A description of the deliverables, tasks and schedule.

FEMA may request additional information after the subapplication has been submitted to ensure all necessary information is received. However, all information required by the regulations and the HMA Guide must be received before an assistance decision and award or final approval can be made.

C.3.1. Activity and Schedule

When submitting a subapplication to FEMA for technical assistance, a subapplication must identify the proposed use of the assistance, including costs and enough detail for both the proposed activity and milestones.

The scope of work narrative must describe the proposed activities and deliverables.

The schedule must include a list of milestones for each budget year. All deliverables must also be identified in the scope of work. The project schedule must note when deliverables are completed.

C.3.2. Costs

C.3.2.1. Allowable Costs

Pre-award costs must be reasonable and identified in the budget to be considered eligible incurred costs. Refer to Part 3 for more information.

C.3.2.2. Unallowable Costs

The recipient must submit enough financial detail to demonstrate that no costs claimed under technical assistance are duplicated in other subapplications including those for management costs.

C.3.2.3. Budget

All subapplications must include a line-item breakdown of all anticipated costs while referencing the cost code categories on SF-424.