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FEMA Kicks off National Preparedness Month at Howard University

Each September, FEMA uses National Preparedness Month to emphasize how vital it is for the Nation and everyone to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

Because disasters disproportionately impact several communities, including people with disabilities, older adults, rural residents and especially communities of color, the agency continues to improve our strategic approach to advance accessibility and cultural competency in boosting the nation’s preparedness.

That’s why the Ready Campaign kicked off National Preparedness Month and debuted this year’s theme, “A Lasting Legacy,” in partnership with Howard University, one of the nation’s preeminent Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

The event opened with a welcome from DHS Center for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Director Marcus Coleman and Howard University Office of Emergency Management Director Ariel Triplett for FEMA leadership and staff, university faculty and students, and community members.

After delivering opening remarks, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell and Deputy Administrator Erik Hooks participated in a roundtable discussion to hear from students who described what being prepared means to them.

“Protection is so important,” one student noted. “My older family members are becoming more vulnerable, and I want to learn how to protect them.” Another student described what preparedness is to them – the first step is to understand their risks and the next step is to take action.

The event concluded with a press conference and preparedness fair on the Howard University Yard with remarks provided by FEMA Leadership, D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency Leadership and key national faith and community leaders.

To prepare the next generation of emergency managers, FEMA, US Capitol Police and Washington D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency hosted career tables and provided preparedness materials to students passing by that are interested in emergency management.

To learn more about National Preparedness Month, visit

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