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New Mexico Wildfires Flooding, Mudflows and Straight-line Winds
Peryòd Ensidan: Apr 5, 2022 - Jul 23, 2022
Dat Deklarasyon: Me 4, 2022
Lyen Rapid
- Resous retablisman: Eta & Lokal | Nasyonal
- Konekte: Rezo Sosyo | App Mobil & SMS
- 24/7 konsèy: Asistans Telefonik Detrès Dezas
Plis sou Dezas sa a
Resous Lokal
Local Information
Nouvèl & Laprès Lokal
Vizite paj Nouvèl & Laprès pou jwenn aktyalite, fich ransèyman, nòt laprès, ak lòt resous miltimedya.
3 Ways to Apply for Assistance
- American Sign Language (ASL): FEMA Registration Process - Registration
- American Sign Language (ASL): How to Register with Disaster Survivor Assistance
Additional Multimedia
Below you can find social media graphics and images with important safety messaging in various languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese.
- DR-4652 Best Ways To Send Documents
- Disaster Support Social Graphics
- For more New Mexico Wildfire images and videos to see how we are supporting on the ground, visit our collection.
- American Sign Language (ASL): Reasons to Apply for an SBA Loan
- American Sign Language (ASL): Renters May be Eligible for Federal Help
- American Sign Language (ASL): Understanding Your Letter
Verifying Home Ownership or Occupancy
FEMA is required to verify you lived at the address in your application as your primary residence before providing most types of IHP Assistance. FEMA is also required to verify you owned your home before providing Home Repair or Replacement Assistance.
As part of our effort to make the disaster assistance process quicker and reduce the burden on applicants, we try to verify occupancy and ownership by using an automated public records search.
If we cannot verify you lived in or owned the home that you listed in your application, we will ask you to provide documents to prove occupancy and/or ownership to help us determine if you are eligible for assistance.
Disaster Distress Helpline
It is normal to feel sad, stressed or overwhelmed after a major disaster. For adults and children having negative feelings or thoughts, free crisis counseling is available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline.
The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 via telephone (1-800-985-5990) and SMS (text 'TalkWithUs' to 66746) to residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or man-made disasters.
Frequently Asked Questions and Rumor Control
Do your part to the stop the spread of rumors by doing three easy things:
- Find trusted sources of information.
- Share information from trusted sources.
- Discourage others from sharing information from unverified sources.
Kouman pou Ede
Benevola ak Donasyon
Rekiperasyon an ka pran plizyè ane apre yon dezas. Gen anpil fason pou ede tankou bay donasyon kach, bay bagay moun bezwen oswa bay tan w. Aprann plis sou fason pou ede moun ki nan bezwen yo.
Pa al deplwaye pwòp tèt ou nan zòn dezas yo. Òganizasyon de konfyans nan zòn ki afekte yo konnen ki kote yo bezwen volontè yo. Travay ak yon òganizasyon ki etabli pou asire w ke ou gen sekirite apwopriye, fòmasyon ak konpetans ki nesesè pou reponn.
Ajans Lyezon Volontè FEMA (Voluntary Agency Liaisons, VALs) bati relasyon ak kowòdone efò ak òganizasyon volontè, ki baze sou lafwa ak òganizasyon kominotè ki aktif lè gen katastwòf.
Fè Biznis ak FEMA
Si w enterese bay sèvis ak machandiz peye pou sekou pou katastwòf, vizite paj Fè Biznis ak FEMA nou an pou kòmanse.
Si ou posede yon biznis ki enplike nan retire debri epi ou swete patisipe nan efò netwayaj nan zòn ki afekte yo, tanpri kontakte gouvènman lokal la nan zòn ki afekte yo pou ofri sèvis ou yo.
Obligasyon Finansman
Asistans Endividyèl | Montan |
Total Asistans Lojman (Housing Assistance - HA) - Dola ki Apwouve | $6,397,172.50 |
Total Asistans Lòt Bezwen (Other Needs Assistance - ONA) - Dola ki Apwouve | $1,257,189.09 |
Total Pogram Endividyèl & Kay Dola ki Apwouve | $7,654,361.59 |
Aplikasyon Asistans Endividyèl ki Apwouve | 1383 |
Asistans Piblik | Montan |
Travay Ijans (Kategori A-B) - Obligasyon Dola | $91,273,143.38 |
Travay Pèmanan (Kategori C-G) – Obligasyon Dola | $70,458,160.38 |
Total Dola pou Sibvansyon pou Asistans piblik ki angaje | $172,514,457.00 |
Asistans pou Atenye Malè Pandye | Montan |
Pwogram Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (Sibvansyon pou Diminisyon Danje, HMGP) - Obligasyon dola | $7,865,296.38 |