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Connecticut Remnants of Hurricane Ida


Peryòd Ensidan: Sep 1, 2021 - Sep 2, 2021

Dat Deklarasyon: Oct 30, 2021

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Resous Lokal

Nouvèl & Laprès Lokal

Vizite paj Nouvèl & Laprès pou jwenn aktyalite, fich ransèyman, nòt laprès, ak lòt resous miltimedya.

Local Resources Custom Text

Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) 

Representatives from FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration are available at DRCs to help survivors apply for assistance, explain disaster assistance programs, answer questions about FEMA letters and the appeals process and provide literature about repairs and rebuilding to make homes more disaster resistant.

Residents who previously registered for assistance do not need to visit the DRC, but can ask questions or seek further information in person at the DRC in addition to online or by phone.

Kouman pou Ede

Benevola ak Donasyon

Rekiperasyon an ka pran plizyè ane apre yon dezas. Gen anpil fason pou ede tankou bay donasyon kach, bay bagay moun bezwen oswa bay tan w. Aprann plis sou fason pou ede moun ki nan bezwen yo.

Pa al deplwaye pwòp tèt ou nan zòn dezas yo. Òganizasyon de konfyans nan zòn ki afekte yo konnen ki kote yo bezwen volontè yo. Travay ak yon òganizasyon ki etabli pou asire w ke ou gen sekirite apwopriye, fòmasyon ak konpetans ki nesesè pou reponn.

Ajans Lyezon Volontè FEMA (Voluntary Agency Liaisons, VALs)  bati relasyon ak kowòdone efò ak òganizasyon volontè, ki baze sou lafwa ak òganizasyon kominotè ki aktif lè gen katastwòf.

Fè Biznis ak FEMA

Si w enterese bay sèvis ak machandiz peye pou sekou pou katastwòf, vizite paj Fè Biznis ak FEMA nou an pou kòmanse.

Si ou posede yon biznis ki enplike nan retire debri epi ou swete patisipe nan efò netwayaj nan zòn ki afekte yo, tanpri kontakte gouvènman lokal la nan zòn ki afekte yo pou ofri sèvis ou yo.

Obligasyon Finansman

Asistans Endividyèl Montan
Total Asistans Lojman (Housing Assistance - HA) - Dola ki Apwouve $8,401,830.24
Total Asistans Lòt Bezwen (Other Needs Assistance - ONA) - Dola ki Apwouve $506,337.70
Total Pogram Endividyèl & Kay Dola ki Apwouve $8,908,167.94
Aplikasyon Asistans Endividyèl ki Apwouve 1551
Asistans Piblik Montan
Travay Ijans (Kategori A-B) - Obligasyon Dola $1,198,997.51
Travay Pèmanan (Kategori C-G) – Obligasyon Dola $2,291,900.96
Total Dola pou Sibvansyon pou Asistans piblik ki angaje $3,812,660.18
Asistans pou Atenye Malè Pandye Montan
Pwogram Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (Sibvansyon pou Diminisyon Danje, HMGP) - Obligasyon dola $3,223,109.00