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E0279: Retrofitting Floodprone Residential Buildings


This course provides engineering and economic guidance to architects, engineers and local code enforcement officials in retrofitting existing one- to four-family residential structures situated in flood-prone areas. The retrofitting measures presented are creative, practical, compliant with applicable floodplain regulations and satisfactory to most homeowners.

Dat: Out 22, 2022 - Out 25, 2022

Lè: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location: Sou plas

National Emergency Training Center
16825 South Seton Avenue
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727-8998

Detay Evènman an

This course provides engineering and economic guidance to architects, engineers and local code enforcement officials in retrofitting existing one- to four-family residential structures situated in flood-prone areas. The retrofitting measures presented are creative, practical, compliant with applicable floodplain regulations and satisfactory to most homeowners.

The Emergency Management Institute awards 2.8 CEUs for completion of this course. The Association of State Floodplain Managers awards 12 CECs (core) for completion of this course.

Course Application and NETC Lodging

If interested, follow instructions located on Emergency Management Institute. This includes filling out FEMA Form 119-25-1 and emailing the form to

Campus lodging will be available for participants and more information will be provided upon acceptance, through the National Emergency Training Center Acceptance Letter/Welcome Package.

Notice to Applicants for EMI Courses

Individuals applying for EMI classes will be required to register using the FEMA Student Identification (SID) number. This number will be used in place of the Social Security Number (SSN) on your application form. The SSN is no longer required.

How do I obtain my FEMA SID number?

Step 1: To register, go to:

Step 2: Click on the “Register for a FEMA SID” button on screen.

Step 3: Follow the instructions and provide the necessary information to create your account.

Step 4: You will receive an email with your SID number. You should save this number in a secure location.

Kontak pou Evènman an

For additional information, contact the Mitigation Branch at (301) 447-1152 or by email at

Resous Evènman an