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Download the FAAT List
Updated in 2023, the FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations and Terms (FAAT) PDF contains a full listing of commonly used terms.

Or use the search bar below to find terms.

2 (1) | A (65) | B (32) | C (95) | D (57) | E (46) | F (100) | G (16) | H (42) | I (47) | J (5) | L (21) | M (41) | N (75) | O (25) | P (76) | R (62) | S (78) | T (25) | U (17) | V (23) | W (19) | Z (40)

211 System

A telephone service reference system for applicants and case managers. Similar to the 411 general information system, the 211 system expedites the process of searching for services by phone and aids in Disaster Case Management.

Glossary Section: NDHS - National Disaster Housing Strategy