Thaj chaw uas xaiv: Kev puas tsuaj 4827
Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog qhov kev puas tsuaj no

kev pab tus kheej
Cov tib neeg thiab cov tsev neeg hauv cov nroog no tau tsim nyog thov rau Kev pab cuam nyiaj txiag thiab kev pab cuam ncaj qha kiag. Thov kev pab, los yog Kawm paub ntxiv txog Kev pab rau tib neeg.
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Cabarrus (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Cherokee (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Forsyth (County)
- Gaston (County)
- Graham (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Iredell (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lee (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mecklenburg (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Nash (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rowan (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Stanly (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Union (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
Kev pab pej xeem
Xeev, hauv zos, Cov nom tswv hauv pawg neeg thiab thaj chaw thiab qee lub koom haum ntiag tug-tsis muaj txiaj ntsig hauv cov nroog no tau tsim nyog tau txais kev pab rau kev ua haujlwm kub ntxhov thiab kho lossis hloov cov chaw puas tsuaj. Kawm ntxiv txog cov kev pab cuam pej xeem.
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Gaston (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Cabarrus (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Cherokee (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Forsyth (County)
- Gaston (County)
- Graham (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Iredell (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lee (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mecklenburg (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Nash (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rowan (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Stanly (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Union (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Cabarrus (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Cherokee (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Forsyth (County)
- Gaston (County)
- Graham (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Iredell (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lee (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mecklenburg (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Nash (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rowan (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Stanly (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Union (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Gaston (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Gaston (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Gaston (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Gaston (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
- Alexander (County)
- Alleghany (County)
- Ashe (County)
- Avery (County)
- Buncombe (County)
- Burke (County)
- Caldwell (County)
- Catawba (County)
- Clay (County)
- Cleveland (County)
- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
- Gaston (County)
- Haywood (County)
- Henderson (County)
- Jackson (County)
- Lincoln (County)
- Macon (County)
- Madison (County)
- McDowell (County)
- Mitchell (County)
- Polk (County)
- Rutherford (County)
- Surry (County)
- Swain (County)
- Transylvania (County)
- Watauga (County)
- Wilkes (County)
- Yadkin (County)
- Yancey (County)
Tsis muaj
Kev puas tsuaj raug tshaj tawm li cas
The Robert T. Txoj Cai tib neeg ua hauj lwm rau kev pab kev puas tsuaj thiab Kev peb kev kub ntxhov hais hauv ib feem: "Txhua qhov kev thov rau thawj tswj hwm tshaj tawm tias muaj kev puas tsuaj loj tau tshwm sim yuav tsum tau ua los ntawm tus tswv xeev ntawm lub xeev los yog thaj chaw cuam tshuam.
Mus saib Nplooj ntawv tshaj tawm kev puas tsuaj yog dab tsi Rau cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws txog cov cai thiab cov txheej txheem uas qhia cov txheej txheem, Xws li:
- Cov thawj tswj hwm/cov thawj coj yuav tsum ua raws li thaum xa lawv daim ntawv thov rau kev tshaj tawm txog kev puas tsuaj rau thawj tswj hwm.
- Cov thawj coj uas tso cai rau tsoom fwv lees paub tsoom fwv Indian cov kev xaiv ntawm kev thov tus thawj tswj hwm xwm txheej kub ntxhov los yog tshaj tawm rau kev puas tsuaj ua loj.
- Yuav ua li cas FEMA cov chaw lis hauj lwm hauv cheeb tsam ua hauj lwm nrog tsoom fwv los yog tsoom fwv Indian pab pawg los ua Kev Ntsuas Ua Ntej (PDAs).
- Yam tseem ceeb uas txiav txim siab thaum muaj kev pab rau tib neeg.