ספריית משאבים לסיוע אישי

דפי עובדות

מדריך תוכניות ומדיניות

ספריית מסמכים

ספריית משאבים זו מספקת מידע על מדיניות, הדרכה וחומרים אחרים שנועדו לעזור לך להבין את תוכניות הסיוע האישי של FEMA.

הערה: משאבים מסוימים עשויים להיות זמינים באנגלית בלבד.

קבל את העובדות

דפי העובדות המבוקשים ביותר של FEMA על קבלת עזרה לאחר אסון.

תוכנית סיוע אישי ומדריך מדיניות

מאז פרסום תוכנית הסיוע האישי ומדריך המדיניות (IAPPG) גרסה 1.1 במאי 2021, ביצענו מספר שינויים.

Thumbnail of report cover.

הצג גרסאות ישנות יותר של ה- IAPPG.

ספריית מסמכים

ניתן לחפש מסמך במי לות מפתח לפי הכותרת שלו, או להשתמש במסננים כדי לגלוש לפי נושא או סוג מסמך.

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Essential Tools for Work or School - Quick Reference Guide

In a Presidentially declared disaster area, FEMA may provide money for eligible survivors to repair or replace personal property lost or damaged in a disaster, including tools or equipment needed for school or work. This assistance is also available to those who are self-employed.

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Individuals and Households Program - Factsheet

FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program (IHP) provides money and direct services to eligible individuals and households affected by disaster who have uninsured or underinsured necessary expenses and serious needs.

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Qualifying for Disaster Assistance: Citizenship and Immigration Status Flyer

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Quick Reference Guide Privately Owned Roads and Bridges

FEMA may provide money to repair a privately owned road or bridge damaged by a Presidentially declared disaster when it is the only way to reach your home.

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Quick Reference Guide Students Affected by Presidentially Declared Disasters

Students may receive assistance from FEMA for temporary housing and other uninsured or under-insured disaster-caused expenses and serious needs.

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Transitional Sheltering Assistance: FEMA Quick Reference Guide

Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) helps eligible survivors who applied for FEMA assistance by providing them with a safe, temporary place to stay, like a hotel or motel, until they can find a short or longer-term housing solution.

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Individuals and Households Program Other Needs Assistance Administrative Option Selection Form

FEMA Form FF-104-FY-21-114 (formerly FEMA Form 010-0-11). Instructions: This form must be completed and submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by November 30 every year.

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Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program for Emergency Declarations

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FEMA Quick Reference Guides 2024

Comprehensive binder of all FEMA Quick Reference Guides

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Serious Needs Assistance: FEMA Quick Reference Guide

Serious Needs Assistance helps survivors pay for pay for expenses related to a disaster, such as food, water, baby formula and other emergency supplies.

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