B.2. Eligibility

Advance assistance must only be used to support the development of HMGP and HMGP Post Fire projects.

For BRIC and FMA, project scoping is available in accordance with the principles outlined in the respective NOFOs for the grant cycle under which a subapplicant applies. If there are any requirements in this section of the HMA Guide that conflict with the NOFO, the NOFO takes precedence.

Both applicants and subapplicants may apply for advance assistance or project scoping activities at any time during an open application period.

Management costs are eligible under project scoping/advance assistance subapplications.

B.2.1. Eligibility Criteria

Mitigation projects that are developed using project scoping/advance assistance must be both feasible and effective at mitigating the risks of the hazard(s) for which the project was designed. A project’s feasibility is demonstrated through conformance with accepted engineering practices, established codes, standards, modeling techniques or best practices.

Project scoping/advance assistance activities are not required to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. However, projects that are developed using project scoping/advance assistance, which are to be submitted for future HMA consideration, must be technically feasible, cost-effective and consistent with EHP laws, regulations and executive orders. EHP requirements should be considered at the earliest possible stage of project development to allow for consideration of measures that reduce impacts to the human environment. Effective scoping to create a well-defined proposed project and identify potential EHP issues at an early stage will help facilitate the EHP review process for projects developed using project scoping/advance assistance.

When projects are sited within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), assistance received for project scoping/advance assistance activities can only be used in a jurisdiction that is participating in the NFIP.

B.2.2. Eligible Activities

The following activities are eligible under project scoping/advance assistance:

  • Scoping and developing hazard mitigation projects, including engineering design and feasibility studies. Physical work (e.g., soil tests) associated with these studies is generally eligible.
  • Conducting meetings, outreach and coordination with potential subapplicants and community residents to identify potential future mitigation projects.
  • Evaluating facilities or areas to determine appropriate mitigation actions.
  • Incorporating environmental planning and historic preservation considerations into project planning activities.
  • Collecting data for Benefit-Cost Analyses, environmental compliance and other program requirements.
  • Conducting hydrologic and hydraulic studies for unmapped flood zones or other areas where communities propose to submit hazard mitigation projects.
  • Coordinating, scoping and developing regional or multi-community hazard mitigation projects that require coordination to cohesively address resilience and sustainability goals.
  • Using third-party cost estimation services for project budgeting across subapplications.
  • Contracting services to address data consistency needs for other project application categories, such as EHP, cost-sharing mechanisms and work schedules.
  • Coordinating with property owners of substantially damaged structures to review project alternatives and provide engineering and design support to bring structures into compliance with appropriate building code standards.

B.2.3. Ineligible Activities

Ineligible activities include any physical work, such as groundbreaking, construction or demolition activities. A general list of ineligible activities is included in Part 4.

Last updated