FEMA Case Study Library

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Community Outreach: Milwaukee County at the Wisconsin State Fair

MILWAUKEE COUNTY, WI - A grant from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provided the Milwaukee County Division of Emergency Management with funds to create an informative, eye-catching Community Outreach Display.

Del Norte County Studying Flood Hazards

DEL NORTE COUNTY, CA - On Aug. 22, 2000, Del Norte County signed a Partnership Agreement with FEMA under the Cooperating Technical Communities initiative (now the Cooperating Technical Partners [CTP]).

Elevated Home Serves as Neighborhood Shelter during Katrina

MOSS POINT, MS - The Stork family’s home is the only elevated building in their community.

Expansive Flood Control Project Safeguards Austin Texas Neighborhood

AUSTIN, TX – While much of Texas was overwhelmed by torrential rains over the Memorial Day weekend of 2015, residents of an Austin subdivision were spared thanks to a flood mitigation project completed in 2004.

Flood Mitigation in Nome, Alaska

NOME, AK — A powerful and extremely dangerous storm of near record magnitude impacted the west coast of Alaska during November, 2011. The storm surge and blizzard conditions impacted forty-three communities. This was to be a major test for a recent investment in Nome’s critical infrastructure.

Getting the Alarm Out: USM's Tornado Warning System

HATTIESBURG, MS - Prior to 1998, students at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) were largely dependent upon “word of mouth” information when tornadoes threatened the campus.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Pilot Provides Safe Haven for Louisiana Couple

JEFFERSON PARISH, LA – Hurricane Katrina displaced many Gulf Coast residents including Wayne and Rosalie Oubre of Harvey, Louisiana.  

Home Retrofitting and Flood Insurance Along the Delaware River

YARDLEY, PA - In April 2005, both the Delaware River and the Delaware Canal overflowed their banks. They met at Tessie Reading’s house. Tessie is no stranger to floods.

Investment in Mass Communication System Proves Beneficial

WEATHERFORD, TX – Reliable emergency warning systems are much needed assets in warning citizens of natural or man-made disasters. Emergency management officials in Tyler County quickly found out just how advantageous a warning system could be.