News and Media: Disaster 4751

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Tennessee Emergency Management Agency and FEMA have opened Disaster Recovery Centers in Montgomery and Sumner counties to help people affected by the Dec. 9 tornadoes.
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Tennessee Emergency Management Agency and FEMA have opened a Disaster Recovery Center in Davidson County to help people affected by the Dec. 9 tornadoes.
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Disaster survivors should be aware that con-artists and criminals may try to obtain money or steal personal information through fraud or identity theft after a disaster. In some cases, thieves try to apply for FEMA assistance using names, addresses and Social Security numbers they have stolen from survivors.
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FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance teams are going door-to-door in Davidson, Dickson, Montgomery and Sumner County neighborhoods to help individuals apply for FEMA assistance.
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Tennessee homeowners and renters in Davidson, Dickson, Montgomery and Sumner counties who had uninsured damage or losses caused by the severe storms on Dec. 9, 2023, may apply for FEMA disaster assistance.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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