News and Media: Disaster 4751

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


FEMA helps disaster survivors begin recovery by providing grants for basic, critical needs. FEMA is working with Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to ensure those affected by the Dec. 9 tornadoes have a safe, accessible and functional place to stay. FEMA is not a substitute for insurance. Nor can it duplicate other sources of assistance.
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Cheatham, Gibson and Stewart counties are now eligible for FEMA assistance after the Dec. 9 tornadoes.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
If your home was damaged by the Dec. 9 tornadoes but you can live in it safely, FEMA may be able to provide up to $300 in one-time financial assistance to help with cleanup. This assistance is for eligible homeowners and renters.
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As part of the disaster assistance process, FEMA must determine ownership and occupancy of damaged primary residences. FEMA has taken steps to make it easier for disaster survivors in Tennessee who experienced loss from the Dec. 9, 2023, tornadoes to verify ownership and occupancy.
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FEMA may refer survivors of the Dec. 9 tornadoes to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) with information on how to apply for a disaster loan. It’s important to submit the loan application as soon as possible.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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