News and Media: Disaster 4727

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Fake or unlicensed contractors may try to take advantage of Mississippi residents affected by the June tornadoes. Homeowners need to hire contractors who are authorized to do the work, will complete the work, and will do a good job.
illustration of page of paper Fact Sheets |
FEMA and the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) warn disaster survivors that fraud attempts often increase during recovery from natural disasters like the June tornadoes.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
Not Only for Businesses. You do not need to own a business to apply for a disaster loan from the SBA. If your primary residence is in Jackson or Jasper counties and had disaster damage, you may apply.
illustration of page of paper Fact Sheets |
FEMA is asking homeowners and renters in Jackson and Jasper counties who applied for disaster assistance to answer their phones -- even if the call is from an unknown number.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |
FEMA has begun approving grants and sending letters to homeowners and renters who applied for FEMA assistance following the June severe storms and tornadoes in Jackson and Jasper counties.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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