News and Media: Disaster 4704

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Renters in Indiana whose homes and property were damaged by severe storms and tornadoes may be eligible for federal assistance through FEMA’s Individual and Households Program. Grants provided through the program do not need to be repaid.
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A Disaster Recovery Center will revisit Monroe County on May 18-20 to help survivors of the March 31–April 1 storms and tornadoes continue their recovery.
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A Disaster Recovery Center will revisit Owen County on May 15-17 to help survivors of the March 31–April 1 storms and tornadoes continue their recovery.
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The state of Indiana and FEMA will open a Disaster Recovery Center in Grant County from May 15-17 to help survivors of the March 31–April 1 storms and tornadoes continue their recovery.
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A Disaster Recovery Center will revisit White County on May 11-13 to help survivors of the March 31–April 1 storms and tornadoes continue their recovery.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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