News and Media: Disaster 4673

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Applicants for FEMA assistance after Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole should ensure that FEMA has their current contact information. FEMA may need to contact applicants for more information or to arrange a home inspection to verify damage.
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As FEMA continues to help survivors recover from Hurricane Ian, families are moving into travel trailers and manufactured housing units in six counties. Currently 225 families have received keys to their temporary homes and 105 will soon move into FEMA travel trailers in a commercial park in Lee County.
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Residents in designated counties who lost access to water because a private well or septic system was damaged as a result of Hurricane Ian or Hurricane Nicole may be eligible for FEMA assistance.
illustration of page of paper Fact Sheets |
FEMA has approved 7,644 households with group flood insurance policies for three years as part of federal disaster assistance after Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole.
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FEMA will extend the deadline for property owners to submit responses to FEMA’s Request for Information regarding the Multifamily Lease and Repair program.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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