News and Media: Disaster 4590

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


It's Time to Prepare for Hurricane Season

The 2021 hurricane season runs June 1 through Nov. 30

BATON ROUGE, La. – Hurricane season will be here soon. Don't wait for a dangerous storm to threaten before preparing. Here are four points you can follow to protect your family and home.

Stay informed

Pay attention to weather reports and information from state and local news agencies, keeping up with television, radio and online weather reports to stay aware of hurricane warnings.

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Survivors of hurricanes Laura, Delta and Zeta and the winter storms could be eligible for rental assistance for temporary housing through FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program. FEMA pays rent, including a security deposit, at a place other than your damaged home.

Your rental can be a house, apartment or hotel that can keep you near your job, home, school and place of worship. The assistance includes essential utilities such as electricity and water but not cable or Internet.

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BATON ROUGE, La. – More than 1,500 Louisiana households have already been approved for FEMA grants to help them recover from damage caused by the severe winter storms from Feb. 11 - 19.

It is important to remember that the funds are to be used only for certain disaster-related expenses. FEMA may audit survivors to confirm they spent grants for basic home repairs, replacing essential household items or paying for somewhere to stay if they cannot return home.

FEMA sends survivors letters that detail approved uses for grants. These may include:

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BATON ROUGE, La. – Just one week remains for Louisiana homeowners, renters or business owners who sustained property damage or loss caused by severe winter storms to register and apply for federal disaster assistance. Registration is also available to those who had to relocate to a hotel because their utilities failed, and insurance didn’t cover their hotel stay. The deadline to register for assistance from FEMA and to apply for low-interest disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is Monday, May 10.

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