News and Media: Disaster 4559

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


BATON ROUGE, La.— Qualifying houses of worship in Louisiana may be eligible for FEMA grants to cover hurricane-related expenses.


Grants through FEMA’s Public Assistance Program can cover costs to repair or replace facilities damaged during a disaster. The program is funded by FEMA and administered through the Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Office (GOHSEP).


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BATON ROUGE, La. — Renters and homeowners in parishes designated for FEMA assistance after Hurricane Laura have until Nov. 27 to register for help.

Federal assistance includes help for temporary housing, rental assistance and repair or replacement of damaged property.

Additionally, grants may be available to help with other expenses such as medical and dental care, childcare, funeral and burial costs, replacing essential household items, moving and storage, vehicle repairs and cleanup.

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Louisianans are strongly urged to take advantage of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) since even though the hurricane season is coming to an end, the potential for flooding in the state remains. There normally arise many questions about the program. Here is some clarification:

MYTH: You can’t buy flood insurance if you live in a high-flood-risk area.

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BATON ROUGE, La.– After Louisiana was hit by Hurricanes Laura and Delta, volunteer and community partners responded to survivors’ immediate needs, providing meals and clothing, cleaning up debris and helping residents with their recovery.

Organizations such as The American Red Cross, The Salvation Army and Feeding Louisiana food banks have provided more than 14 million meals. Community feeding continues through local parish organizations, faith-based groups and food banks such as Second Harvest.

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DR-4559-LA / FS 020

Q: What is Direct Housing?

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