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Flood survivors in nine Iowa counties designated for federal disaster assistance could be eligible for financial help from FEMA if they have flood-damaged wells and/or septic systems. But don’t wait too long! The deadline to be register is July 1, 2019.
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Do you know a senior or a person with access and functional needs who was impacted by the March 12-June 15 floods and may still need flood-recovery help? There’s still time to call FEMA for possible assistance before the July 1 deadline.
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‘Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today’ is a familiar statement we all have heard when it comes to deciding when to complete a task or balance a busy life. Well that same advice could not be more relevant when it comes to applying for FEMA disaster assistance.
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Repairing damage after a disaster can be expensive. In cases of severe damage, the costs can be staggering. However, many projects can be done for little or no money. Most can make a big difference in the next disaster and provide the extra bonus of lowering utility and home-maintenance costs year-round.
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Iowa residents in the nine disaster-designated counties —Fremont, Harrison, Louisa, Mills, Monona, Pottawattamie, Scott, Shelby and Woodbury— may be eligible for federal assistance if they were impacted by the severe storms and flooding from March 12 through May 16. The registration cutoff date is July 1.
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The severe flooding March 12–May 16 affected thousands of Iowa residences and businesses and caused millions of dollars of damage. Floods are the most common and costly natural disasters in the United States.
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If you have family treasures, heirlooms, photos and books that were damaged in the March 12 - May 16 flooding, do not throw them away just yet. You may be able to save them, and there is expert advice available to help you.
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As Iowans rebuild or repair the damage to their homes caused by the storms and flooding that occurred March 12 through May 16, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has teamed up with Ace-N-More in the city of Washington to provide free information, tips and literature on making houses and businesses stronger and safer.
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The state/federal Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Davenport will close permanently at 2 p.m., Friday, June 7, 2019.
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As Iowans rebuild or repair the damage to their homes caused by the storms and flooding that occurred March 12 through May 16, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has teamed up with Lowe’s in Sioux City to provide free information, tips and literature on making houses and businesses stronger and safer.
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