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Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program FY 2022 Subapplication and Selection Status

Summary of Fiscal Year 2022 Selections

Final Selections Summary

Initial Selections Summary

Social Vulnerability Total Cost Share

Highlights of Data

Subapplication Status by State

The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program is a competitive annual grant program that provides funding to states, local communities, federally recognized tribes and territories. Funds can be used for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.

On Aug. 28, 2023, FEMA announced the final selection of 149 subapplications totaling nearly $642.5 million in available grant funding for fiscal year 2022. In addition, applications were also selected to receive $44.36 million in management costs. These selections are across nine FEMA regions in 28 states and the District of Columbia. This brings the total federal cost share for final selections to $686.8 million.

For fiscal year 2022, FEMA announced selections of 230 subapplications totaling $711 million in FMA grant funding.

Summary of Fiscal Year 2022 Selections

FEMA prioritized key initiatives important to stakeholders in this grant cycle.

This includes the mitigation of repetitively flooded properties. In this cycle, the Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program selected 127 of the 137 submitted individual property flood mitigation projects. Repetitively flooded structures put the greatest strain on the National Flood Insurance Program. In total, 40% of the structures selected were repetitively flooded. 

Project Examples

The village of Machesney Park, which is immediately east of the Rock River, will purchase 19 parcels and demolish the residential structures that are all located in the floodplain and floodway of Special Flood Hazard Areas. The village has received five other rounds of grant funding which has been used by consultants to complete most of the work.

In Jefferson Parish, 47 flood-prone structures will be elevated to meet the height of the effective Flood Insurance Rate Map base flood elevation, plus an additional two feet. This project will begin the engineering design phase to inform on how to elevate the structures.

The borough of Longport will begin Phase 2 of the Winchester Avenue Resiliency Project by replacing and installing storm sewer infrastructure to benefit 356 structures, including 19 repetitive and severe repetitive loss homes, that are insured under the National Flood Insurance Program.

The Borough of West Wildwood is an island community located on the back bay intercoastal waterway in southeast Cape May County. It consists of 220 total acres, half of which are environmentally sensitive lands where development is not prohibited. The project will include six stone breakwaters with adjoining marsh and beach habitat. All of this will be in a tombolo formation with a variety of elevations behind the breakwaters that will let natural adaptation occur and will make plantings more successful.

Harris County is working with Harris County Precinct 4 and the city of Houston to mitigate existing flood hazards in the Sherwood Oaks subdivision. This project will upsize existing storm drainpipes, build a parallel storm drain system, and upgrade the existing infrastructure to meet Houston’s standards.

As the threat of floodwaters reaching living areas rises, Monroe County will take steps to elevate 19 single-family homes throughout the Florida Keys. The living areas within these structures will be elevated using piers and concrete footings to at least three feet above the Base Flood Elevation or to the elevation set by the local floodplain ordinance, whichever is higher. Any non-habitable areas within these homes will be converted to storage or parking and provide protection against a 100-year storm event.

Equity Project Examples

The project aims to build a flood control facility near Lost Dutchman Boulevard and State Highway 88 in Apache Junction. The project will recharge the groundwater naturally using the impounded stormwater. The facility will also use nature-based solutions, including permitted surface recharge, to enhance water resource resilience and reduce reliance on the Colorado River.

The city of Canton is asking for grant funding for the Martin Luther King (MLK) South Flood Mitigation Project. As part of flood mitigation efforts, Canton is looking to carry out a capital improvement project that includes activities to improve detention/retention ponds and drainage channels. The city will also rehabilitate and expand riverbank buffers.

Subapplication Types

There are various types of projects eligible for this grant funding. The list below reflects the top five subapplication types by the number of subapplications and total funding amount selected.

Uses of Flood Mitigation AssistanceNumber of Subapplications SelectedTotal Amount of Federal Cost Share
Localized Flood Risk Reduction Projects22$378,754,296
Individual Property Mitigation Projects127$263,703,514
Management Costs23$44,361,625
Project Scoping51$23,777,821
Technical Assistance/Flood Hazard Planning7$477,375
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For additional information or to ask questions, grant applicants should contact their FEMA Regional Offices.

Final Selections Summary

For final selections, FEMA selected 149 subapplications to receive FMA grant funding for include individual property flood mitigation and localized flood risk reduction projects.

Flood Control

20 subapplications totaling $375.6 million

Flood control projects are designed to eliminate or reduce the frequency, extent and water depth of flood events. Flood sources for these projects can be coastal, riverine or rainfall events; or a combination of any of those sources. This can include projects involving greenspace, water control systems such as channels or berms or other flood prevention projects which reduce flooding impacts to homes and communities.


97 subapplications totaling $220.28 million

An elevated building has no basement, and the lowest floor is elevated to or above the Base Flood Elevation by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings or columns.


26 subapplications totaling $38 million

Acquisition projects involves the community or other eligible entity purchasing homes and/or commercial structures and the underlying property, demolishing all structures, and maintaining the property in open space.

Mitigation Reconstruction

Four subapplications totaling $5.36 million

Mitigation reconstruction is the construction of an improved, elevated building on the same site where an existing building and/or foundation has been partially or completely demolished or destroyed. These activities include either total or partial demolition of the structure and result in the construction of code-compliant and hazard-resistant structures on elevated foundation systems.

Initial Selections Summary

For initial selections in fiscal year 2022, FEMA selected 57 subapplications eligible for FMA grant funding for capability and capacity building activities. 

Eligible project types include updating flood hazard mitigation plans, technical assistance, and project scoping. FEMA awards these funds so communities can enhance capability and capacity and implement mitigation projects faster. 

Highlights from the selections include:

  • 25 subapplications selected in disadvantaged communities totaling $10.4 million in federal cost share funding.
  • Multiple subapplications selected include funding requests for project scoping activities future eligibility to receive funding through FEMA’s grant programs that address localized flood risk reduction and individual flood mitigation.
  • In the District of Columbia, FEMA selected one subapplication for project scoping activities that will allow the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (DC HSEMA) and the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to incorporate new flood risk data into high-level planning documents, development of resilience plans, and identify mitigation projects that reduce flooding of homes in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
  • In North Carolina FEMA selected one subapplication for project scoping activities to be used for conducting outreach with repetitive loss property owners in the community, and other activities that will lead to the development of future individual flood mitigation projects.
  • In Pennsylvania FEMA has selected six subapplications, including project scoping activities in the City of Coatesville. Coatesville experienced flooding from storm events in 2021 and will seek long term resilience solutions to reduce the potential for flooding in urban areas.
  • In Texas FEMA selected 15 subapplications for $6.7 million for project scoping activities and planning. This funding will support the evaluation of past flood events and implementation of mitigation planning to reduce future flood risk in communities across the state.

Social Vulnerability Total Cost Share

For fiscal year 2022, subapplications were evaluated using an interim equity data standard established by FEMA at the time of the funding opportunity release. The standard used is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Social Vulnerability Index (CDC/ATSDR SVI) to identify subapplications with high (≥0.6) and very high (≥0.8) social vulnerability.

High and Very High Social Vulnerability Community Federal SelectionTotal Federal Selection
Initial Selections (Announced May 19)$10,778,085.09$24,255,196.41
Final Selections (Announced Aug. 28)$212,167,824.53$642,457,810.44
Management Costs
(Initial +final)
Flood Mitigation Assistance Totals$222,945,909.62$711,074,632.36

For FY 2022 selections, nearly $223 million of available funding, accounting for 31% of selections, will go to socially vulnerable communities.

Highlights of Data (FY 2019-2022)

The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program has been greatly improved. In comparing fiscal year 2022 data and statistics to the fiscal year 2019-2021 grant cycles, FEMA can tout successes and improvements in the FMA program. The total number of subapplications selected in fiscal year 2022 nearly quadrupled from fiscal year 2021 and more than doubled the amount selected in fiscal year 2020.

  • In fiscal year 2022, FEMA made selections that totaled over $141.4 million more FMA grant funding than the total amount of all three previous fiscal years combined.
    • The success can be attributed to the substantial increase in available FMA grant funding in fiscal year 2022 through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and improved coordination between federal, state, and local agencies.
  • 22 subapplications totaling over $378.7 million were selected for Localized Flood Risk Reduction projects. This is over $267.2 million more than the total amount of all three previous fiscal years combined for this project type.
    • The increase in selections of Localized Flood Risk Reduction projects in fiscal year 2022 is due to enhancing the federal share allowed to 90% for projects impacting socially vulnerable communities, increasing final priority scoring, expanding access to Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) waivers, and encouraging the use of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure.
  • 127 subapplications totaling over $263.7 million were selected for Individual Property Flood Mitigation projects. This is nearly three times the amount for subapplications selected in fiscal year 2021 and over $85.5 million more than fiscal year 2019.
    • The increase in selections of individual property flood mitigation projects in fiscal year 2022 is due to a substantial increase in available funding ($80 million in fiscal year 2021 to $400 million in fiscal year 2022) for this project type and making up to 100% federal cost share available for repetitively flooded properties.

Subapplication and Selection Status

The below table shows each subapplication status by state. For this grant cycle, FEMA made two announcements. In May, initial selections for capability and capacity building activities that include updating flood hazard mitigation plans, technical assistance, and project scoping. In August, final selections for projects that include individual property flood mitigation and localized flood risk reduction projects. 

Learn about the definition of each status description:

State Subgrant Identification Subapplication Title Federal Cost Share Subaplication Status
Alabama EMA-2022-FM-003-0001 City of Hoover - Acquisition of Four Structures Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Alabama EMA-2022-FM-003-0003 Alabama State Management Cost $2,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Alabama EMA-2022-FM-003-0002 City of Foley - Floodplain Mapping and Vulnerability Assessment in Pocket Communities $25,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-FM-009-0003 East Lafayette Storm Drain Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Arizona EMF-2022-FM-009-0002 Westwood Storm Drain Flood Control Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Arizona EMF-2022-FM-009-0004 Government Tank Flood Post-Wildfire Flood Mitigation Project Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Arizona EMF-2022-FM-009-0005 Arizona State Management Costs $2,314,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Arizona EMF-2022-FM-009-0001 Weekes Wash Regional Flood Control Facility Flood Control Application $44,438,481.75 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0003 County of Monterey Floodplain Management Plan Update - Technical Assistance $240,000.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0002 San Bernardino County Big Bear (Unincorporated) Master Plan of Drainage Project Scoping $600,000.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0005 City of Tehama Flood Mitigation Project Scoping $886,326.50 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0001 Redwood City Watershed and Wetland Capacity Project Scoping $899,168.63 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0006 OneShoreline San Bruno Creek Area Flood and Sea Level Rise Resilience Project Scoping $900,000.00 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0007 California State Management Costs $5,328,549.51 Identified for Further Review
California EMF-2022-FM-001-0004 Yuba County Water Agency - Atmospheric River Control Spillway Project Flood Control $50,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Delaware EMP-2022-FM-011-0001 12th Street Bulkhead Replacement Project Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Delaware EMP-2022-FM-011-0002 12th Street Bulkhead Replacement Project Management Costs Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
District of Columbia EMP-2022-FM-006-0002 District of Columbia Management Costs $90,000.00 Identified for Further Review
District of Columbia EMP-2022-FM-006-0001 Project Scoping for Neighborhood-Scale Flood Resilience Planning Based on the Integrated Flood Model $900,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0016 City of St. Petersburg Project Number Four - Elevation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0021 City of St. Petersburg Project Number 11 - Elevation $393,246.00 Selected for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0009 Florida State Technical Assistance $50,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0006 Pasco County Project Number 11 - Elevation $228,375.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0015 Pasco County Project Number Six - Elevation $228,982.93 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0001 Pasco County Project Number Three - Elevation $230,737.50 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0035 Pasco County Project Number One - Elevation $257,963.75 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0032 City of Fort Lauderdale Project Number Four - Elevation $260,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0033 Pasco County Project Number 12 - Acquisition $265,176.25 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0002 Pasco County Project Number 10 - Elevation $277,160.62 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0019 Pasco County Project Number Five - Elevation $278,316.68 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0008 City of Panama City Homeowner Acquisition $286,541.12 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0011 Pasco County Project Number Eight - Elevation $293,999.74 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0031 Pasco County Project Number Four - Elevation $307,202.73 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0029 City of Fort Lauderdale Project Number One - Elevation $307,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0034 City of St. Petersburg Project Number Seven - Elevation $355,955.24 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0005 City of St. Petersburg Project Number 14 - Elevation $363,699.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0018 Pasco County Project Number Two - Elevation $374,800.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0020 City of St. Petersburg Number Nine - Elevation $388,174.49 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0030 City of St. Petersburg Project Number Three - Elevation $405,195.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0003 City of St. Petersburg Project Number Five - Elevation $415,695.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0014 City of St. Petersburg Project Number One - Elevation $418,955.24 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0010 City of St. Petersburg Project Number Six - Elevation $430,725.75 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0007 City of St. Petersburg Project Number 10 - Elevation $433,434.75 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0028 City of St. Petersburg Project Number 15 - Elevation $443,934.75 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0004 City of Miami Beach - Elevation $820,682.79 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0025 Monroe County Application Number Four - Mitigation Reconstruction of Five Structures $940,973.75 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0022 Monroe County Application Number Five - Mitigation Reconstruction of Eight Structures $1,569,747.75 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0017 City of St. Augustine - Elevation of 11 Structures $1,968,311.14 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0026 Monroe County Application Number Two - Elevation of 10 Residences $2,006,720.81 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0013 Santa Rosa County - Elevation of Six Flood Prone Homes $2,311,763.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0024 Monroe County Application Number One - Elevation of 15 Residences $2,956,890.35 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0027 Santa Rosa Island Authority Pensacola Beach - Elevation of Ten Residences $3,180,604.00 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0036 Florida State Management Costs $3,357,050.81 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0023 Monroe County Application Number Three - Elevation 19 Residences $3,731,762.61 Identified for Further Review
Florida EMA-2022-FM-009-0012 St. Augustine - Elevation of 50 Flood Prone Structures Project $7,607,050.21 Identified for Further Review
Georgia EMA-2022-FM-013-0001 St. Marys Sea Wall Localized Flood Risk Reduction Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Georgia EMA-2022-FM-013-0002 City of Tennille Flood Mitigation Project - Flood Control $1,548,126.90 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0001 City of Wood River Detention Pond Flood Control Project - Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0004 Crow Island Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0005 Village of Flossmoor - Acquisition of Floodplain Property $263,040.00 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0008 Enhancing Local Floodplain Management - Technical Assistance $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0006 Village of Lisle - Acquisition of Floodplain Properties $304,021.50 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0009 DuPage County - Acquisition $597,900.00 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0002 Illinois State Management Cost $678,031.75 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0007 City of Ottawa - YMCA Acquisition $2,336,560.00 Identified for Further Review
Illinois EMC-2022-FM-002-0003 Machesney Park - Acquisition of 19 Structures $2,978,796.00 Identified for Further Review
Iowa EMK-2022-FM-002-0001 City of Clive Commercial Building Acquisition Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Iowa EMK-2022-FM-002-0002 Iowa State Management Cost Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0008 Northern Ditch Project Scoping $182,760.00 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0005 Jefferson County Acquisition Project Number One $221,766.00 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0009 Pike County - Acquisition $235,830.00 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0004 Commonwealth of Kentucky Management Costs $236,515.50 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0002 Louisville/Jefferson County Project Number Three - Acquisition $283,820.05 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0003 Jefferson County Acquisition Project Number Two $290,833.10 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0006 Louisville/Jefferson County Project Number Two - Acquisition $358,863.63 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0001 Louisville/Jefferson County Project Number One - Acquisition $476,996.00 Identified for Further Review
Kentucky EMA-2022-FM-012-0007 Louisville/Jefferson County Project Number Four - Acquisition $875,958.30 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0047 St. Charles Parish Application Number Two - Elevation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0002 Terrebonne Parish Flood Gauges Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0018 City of Mandeville Project Number Two - Elevation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0026 City of New Orleans Application Number Seven Elevation $142,987.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0016 St. Mary Parish - Elevation of One Structure $223,712.50 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0020 Jefferson Davis Parish Acquisition $287,610.30 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0030 City of Mandeville Project Number Four - Mitigation Reconstruction $330,020.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0021 City of New Orleans Application Number Four - Elevation of Seven Structures $379,552.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0044 Terrebonne Parish - Elevations $408,975.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0032 Terrebonne Parish Project Scoping for Miter Gates $671,901.38 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0046 Lafourche Parish Elevation Project $692,629.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0024 City of New Orleans Application Number Nine - Elevation of Four Structures $793,357.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0017 Rapides Area Planning Commission - Elevation of Five Structures $795,593.16 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0019 Saint Martin Parish - Elevation $795,883.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0023 City of New Orleans Application Number Eight - Elevation of Five Structures $873,251.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0041 Ascension Parish Project Number One - Elevation of Five Properties $1,020,943.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0031 Acadia Parish - Elevation $1,055,067.77 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0027 City of New Orleans Application Six - Elevation of 16 Structures $1,176,472.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0050 St. Charles Parish Application Number One - Elevation of Nine Structures $1,341,287.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0048 City of New Orleans Application Number One - Elevation of Seven Structures $1,351,521.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0040 City of Denham Springs - Elevation of Eight Structures $1,421,944.89 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0043 Vermilion Parish - Acquisitions & Elevations $1,503,540.25 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0022 City of New Orleans Application Number Three - Elevation of 18 Structures $1,905,468.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0045 Ascension Parish Project Number Two - Elevation of 13 Severe Repetitive Loss/Repetitive Loss Properties $1,979,772.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0008 St. Tammany Parish Project Number Two - Elevation of Five Properties $2,024,481.52 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0029 Livingston Parish Application Number Two - Elevation of 12 Structures and Acquisition of Two Structures $2,267,637.49 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0014 St. Charles Parish Application Number Three - Elevation of 14 Structures $2,412,676.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0001 City of New Orleans Application Number Five - Elevation of 16 Structures $2,416,745.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0012 Jefferson Parish Application Number Six - Mitigation Reconstruction of 14 Flood Prone Structures $2,516,635.75 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0005 Jefferson Parish Application Number One - Elevation of 13 Flood Prone Strcutures $2,533,139.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0039 Tangipahoa Parish - Elevation $2,601,658.51 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0028 City of New Orleans Application Number 12 - Elevation of 18 Structures $2,678,370.75 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0007 St. Tammany Parish Project Number One - Elevation of 16 Properties $2,815,826.70 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0010 Jefferson Parish Application Number Three - Elevation of 16 Structures $3,062,924.40 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0042 Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project - Town of Golden Meadow Flood Control $3,074,306.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0004 Jefferson Parish Application Number Four - Elevation of 19 Structures $3,219,649.20 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0049 City of Mandeville Project Number One - Elevation of 16 Structures $3,532,931.93 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0038 Calcasieu Parish - Elevation of Eight Structures and Acquisition of Five Structures $3,643,995.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0034 City of Mandeville Project Number Three - Elevation of 16 Structures $3,681,682.87 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0013 Jefferson Parish Application Number Two - Elevation of 23 Flood Prone Structures $4,445,277.45 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0037 Lafayette Parish - Elevation of 18 Structures $4,478,634.86 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0036 City of Slidell St. Tammany Parish - Elevation of 26 Structures $4,757,065.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0033 City of New Orleans Application Number 10 - Elevation $5,484,501.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0006 Louisiana State Management Costs $6,016,914.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0035 City of New Orleans Application Number Two - Elevation $6,890,989.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0011 Jefferson Parish Application Number Five - Elevation of 47 Structures $7,404,183.10 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0003 Livingiston Parish Application Number One - Elevations $9,012,729.17 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0009 St. John the Baptist Parish - Elevation $9,851,571.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0025 City of New Orleans Application Number 11- Elevation $10,653,573.00 Identified for Further Review
Louisiana EMT-2022-FM-003-0015 Baton Rouge - Acquisition of Seven Structures and Elevation of 77 Structures $17,703,094.07 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0001 Hawkins Cove Improvement, Hawkins Cove, Annapolis, Maryland Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0005 Truxtun Cove Storm Drainage Improvements, Truxtun Heights, Annapolis, Maryland Project Scoping $200,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0003 South Southwood Stormwater Management Project Scoping $245,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0004 Annapolis - Eastport Flood Mitigation Design Project Scoping $290,499.60 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0006 State Management Costs $389,624.96 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0002 City of Rockville Flood Resiliency Master Plan Update $700,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0009 Maryland's Pilot Watershed Assessments for Conceptual Flood Mitigation Solutions Project Scoping $790,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0007 Maryland's GIS Watershed Prioritization Tool for Building Flood Resiliency - Project Scoping $792,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Maryland EMP-2022-FM-010-0008 Maryland's Watershed Assessment Framework for Risk-Based Flood Mitigation, Project Scoping $878,250.00 Identified for Further Review
Mississippi EMA-2022-FM-014-0002 Mississippi State Management Costs $220,985.62 Identified for Further Review
Mississippi EMA-2022-FM-014-0001 City of Canton Martin Luther King South Flood Mitigation Project $2,209,856.25 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-FM-001-0004 Missouri State Management Costs $138,360.75 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-FM-001-0003 City of Webster Groves - Acquisition $520,857.00 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-FM-001-0001 University City - Acquisition of Four Structures $3,224,190.00 Identified for Further Review
Missouri EMK-2022-FM-001-0002 City of Ladue - Acquisition of Six Flood Prone Properties $3,341,815.00 Identified for Further Review
Montana EMD-2022-FM-002-0001 Montana State Technical Assistance $49,875.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0004 Branchburg Township - Elevation of Residential Structure Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0018 City of Brigantine - Back Bay Community Flood Mitigation Project - Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0014 Margate - Adams Avenue Community Flood Mitigation Project, Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0021 Ventnor City Flood Control - Lower Ventnor Heights Community Flood Mitigation Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0008 New Jersey Office of Emergency Management Technical Assistance $50,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0010 Project Scoping - Somers Point - Gulph Mills Pump Station $86,250.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0027 Project Scoping - Stone Harbor - 93rd Street Area Flood Mitigation Plan $157,500.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0006 Project Scoping - Stone Harbor - 81st Street Area Flood Mitigation Plan $157,500.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0024 Borough of West Wildwood Project Scoping $162,067.50 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0026 Project Scoping - Atlantic City - Ducktown/Chelsea Flood Mitigation Plan $178,762.50 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0012 Project Scoping - Atlantic City - Venice Park Flood Mitigation Plan $178,762.50 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0005 Berkeley Township Project Number One - Elevation of Two Structures $192,329.25 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0022 Berkeley Township Project Number Two - Elevation of Two Structures $258,213.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0009 Regional Shared Service Multi-Jurisdictional Community Rating System/Floodplain Management Software - Technical Assistance $300,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0019 Hunterdon County - Acquisition $444,515.56 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0023 Berkeley Township Project Number Three - Elevation of Three Structures $518,216.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0029 Berkeley Township Project Number Four - Elevation of Three Structures $583,728.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0001 Township of Millburn - Elevation of Three Flood Prone Properties $692,981.15 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0028 Bay Head - Flood and Environmental Damage Mitigation Project Scoping $815,250.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0003 Longport - Phase 2 Community Flood Mitigation - Winchester Avenue Resiliency Project - Flood Control $849,375.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0015 Borough of Westwood - Elevation of Four Residential Properties $1,017,803.41 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0011 Hunterdon and Mercer County - Elevation of Four Severe Repetitive Loss Homes $1,609,150.40 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0016 Township of Pequannock - Elevation of Seven Properties $1,741,023.93 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0017 Township of Stafford - Elevation of 10 Residential Properties $1,899,326.95 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0025 Borough of West Wildwood - Living Shoreline Flood Control $1,936,773.49 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0013 Borough of New Milford - Elevations $3,920,860.37 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0020 City of Margate - Elevation $4,100,758.00 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0007 State Management Costs $4,615,994.64 Identified for Further Review
New Jersey EMN-2022-FM-003-0002 Cape May City - Seawall Flood Mitigation Project Localized Flood Risk Reduction Flood Control $24,308,799.42 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-FM-004-0002 New York State Management Costs $64,000.00 Identified for Further Review
New York EMN-2022-FM-004-0001 New York City Small Business Services - Resilient South Street Stormwater Corridor (Project Scoping) $640,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-FM-001-0005 North Carolina State Management Costs $579,353.86 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-FM-001-0004 Project Scoping - Developing Individual Flood Mitigation Projects $855,000.00 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-FM-001-0002 Beaufort County - Elevation of Eight Properties $1,257,620.43 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-FM-001-0003 Carteret County - Elevation of Seven Properties $1,355,168.19 Identified for Further Review
North Carolina EMA-2022-FM-001-0001 Craven County - Elevation of 11 Structures $2,325,750.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-FM-006-0003 North Dakota State Management Costs $6,380,461.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-FM-006-0002 Lower Heart River Flood Risk Reduction and Community Resilience Flood Control Project $13,804,610.00 Identified for Further Review
North Dakota EMD-2022-FM-006-0001 South Bismarck Flood Control Project $50,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-FM-003-0001 South Licking Watershed Flood Mitigation - Project Scoping $258,961.71 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-FM-003-0002 City of Akron - Lake Rockwell - Project Scoping $403,020.63 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-FM-003-0003 Middletown Stormwater and Flood Control Scoping Project $616,500.00 Identified for Further Review
OHIO EMC-2022-FM-003-0005 State Management Costs $3,653,851.52 Identified for Further Review
Ohio EMC-2022-FM-003-0004 Mahoning County - Boardman Township - Cranberry Run Flood Mitigation - Flood Control $35,455,700.00 Identified for Further Review
Oklahoma EMT-2022-FM-002-0001 Tulsa County - Acquisition of Four Residential Structures $1,171,926.11 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-FM-001-0001 City of Eugene - Mitigation Reconstruction West 11th Avenue Bridge Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Oregon EMS-2022-FM-001-0003 State Management Cost $46,800.00 Identified for Further Review
Oregon EMS-2022-FM-001-0002 Springfield McKenzie River-42nd Street Oxbow Channel Migration Project Scoping $468,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0016 Blair County Stormwater Management Plan Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0012 Town of Bloomsburg - Acquisition Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0004 Project Scoping Throop Lackawanna Drainage Mitigation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0017 Philadelphia Eastwick Flood Resilience Project Scoping $450,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0013 Township of Horsham - Acquisition Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0006 City of McKeesport, Allegheny County, Road Mitigation Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0009 Hatfield Township Waste Water Treatment Plant Floodwall Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0008 Plymouth Luzerne Eight-Community Mitigation Stabilization and Restoration Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0001 Montgomery Limerick Five-Community Stormwater Mitigation Project Scoping Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0005 Coolbaugh Monroe Stormwater Project Scoping $36,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0015 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Technical Assistance $37,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0003 Capability and Capacity Building - Selinsgrove Borough, Snyder County $98,437.50 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0011 Lehigh Valley Watersheds Assessment and Global Act Ordinance $99,999.75 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0010 Scoping Coatesville, Chester Stormwater Improvements $621,360.00 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0014 Borough of Yardley - Elevation of Two Residential Properties $671,292.11 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0002 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Management Cost $698,095.72 Identified for Further Review
Pennsylvania EMP-2022-FM-007-0007 City of Philadelphia - 21st Street Flood Hazard Mitigation Project (Over Match) Flood Control $5,416,367.88 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-FM-008-0004 City of Georgetown - Elevation Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
South Carolina EMA-2022-FM-008-0001 South Carolina State Management Costs $25,914.50 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-FM-008-0002 Town of Hilton Head Island - Elevation $183,240.00 Identified for Further Review
South Carolina EMA-2022-FM-008-0003 Horry County - Acquisition of Three Properties $999,084.00 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-FM-005-0002 South Dakota State Management Cost $25,722.24 Identified for Further Review
South Dakota EMD-2022-FM-005-0001 City of Milbank - Acquisition $257,222.43 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0014 Kinard Estates Drainage - Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0011 West Brazoria County Drainage District No. 11 - Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project - Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0036 Jersey Village Localized Flood Risk Reduction Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0039 Harris County Flood Control District Tributary Localized Flood Risk Reduction Flood Control Project Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0024 Capability and Capacity Building Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - Jefferson County Drainage District 7 $25,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0021 City of Conroe Project Number One - Elevation $153,640.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0010 Friendswood Capability and Capacity Building Project Scoping for Flood Mitigation Projects $158,256.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0013 Nassau Bay Capability and Capacity Building Project Scoping $164,625.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0006 City of Longview - Acquisition $165,783.60 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0041 City of Mission Spike and Jupiter Drainage Engineering Design Capability and Capacity Building, Project Scoping $288,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0035 Cameron County Drainage District 3 / San Benito Drainage Master Plan - Project Scoping $367,254.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0002 Taylor Lake Village Capability and Capacity Building Project Scoping $420,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0015 Mineral Wells Capability and Capacity Building Project Scoping $472,500.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0023 Project Scoping for Medina County - Climate Resiliency & Floodplain Management $488,412.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0034 El Campo Drainage Master Plan - Project Scoping Capability and Capacity Building $541,183.50 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0004 City of Bryan Stormwater Master Plan Project Scoping $585,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0007 Cox and Keller Creeks Drainage Master Plan - Capability and Capacity Building, Project Scoping $611,621.31 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0040 Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project for Timberlane Drainage - Flood Control $641,857.50 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0037 City of Abilene Catclaw Creek Localized Flood Risk Reduction Flood Control $726,346.85 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0016 City of Baytown - Elevation $749,700.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0009 Project Scoping for the Montgomery County Precinct 4 Flood Mitigation Projects $789,075.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0008 Project Scoping Jefferson County Drainage District 6 for Taylors Bayou $816,613.80 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0018 Capability and Capacity Building - Project Scoping Jefferson County Drainage District 6 Pine Island $816,613.80 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0022 Capability and Capacity Building Project Scoping Jefferson County Drainage District 6 For Hillebrandt Bayou $816,613.80 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0001 Bridge City - Elevation of Six Structures $943,745.09 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0012 Orange County - Elevation of Five Structures $1,014,750.51 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0032 City of Conroe Project Number Two - Acquisition $1,521,076.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0005 City of Houston Project Number One - Elevation of Seven Flood Vulnerable Properties $1,837,487.29 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0017 Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project - City of Silsbee - Hendricks Drainage Flood Control $3,075,255.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0042 City of Houston Project Number Two - Elevation of 24 Flood Vulnerable Properties $3,696,320.97 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0026 Jersey Village Application Number One - Elevation of 14 Homes $4,427,150.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0027 Jersey Village Application Number Two - Elevation of 14 Homes $4,639,809.03 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0030 Nassau Bay - Elevation of 19 Residential Properties $4,952,476.02 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0038 Jefferson County Elevation of 37 Properties $6,520,662.75 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0028 Harris County Precinct Four, Sherwood Oaks Flood Control Project $8,598,833.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0033 Texas State Management Costs $8,986,966.41 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0025 Medina County Localized Flood Risk Reduction and Climate Resiliency Flood Control Project $11,240,643.71 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0029 Harris County - Acquisition of 49 Residential Properties $14,850,565.47 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0003 Brazoria Drainage District 4 Cowart Creek Channel Modifications Localized Flood Risk Reductions Project Flood Control $19,678,460.25 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0019 Brazoria Draining District 4: Cannon Ditch Channel Localized Flood Risk Reductions Project Flood Control $21,602,443.50 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0020 Brazoria Drainage District Number Four Hickory Slough Channel Improvements Localized Flood Risk Reductions Project FMA 2022 $29,261,763.00 Identified for Further Review
Texas EMT-2022-FM-001-0031 Jefferson County Drainage District 6 Bayou Din Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project $50,000,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-FM-004-0003 Neffs Canyon Debris Basin Project Flood Control Not Selected Not Selected for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-FM-004-0002 Springville Flood Control Project Not Selected Not Selected for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-FM-004-0001 Community Resilience Through Provo River Levee Reconstruction Flood Control Not Selected Not Selected for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-FM-004-0006 State Management Costs $46,290.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-FM-004-0005 Cache County Hyrum Slough Flood Mitigation Project Scoping $78,750.00 Identified for Further Review
Utah EMD-2022-FM-004-0004 Moab Detention Basin Project Scoping $384,150.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0007 Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project: Tripps Run at Barrett Rd Flood Control Not Selected Does Not Meet HMA Requirements
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0001 Boones Mill Flood Mitigation Drainage Study $39,375.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0004 Gloucester County - Elevation $176,400.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0006 Commonwealth of Virginia Management costs $441,142.70 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0003 City of Hampton - Central Newmarket Creek Flood Mitigation Study Project Scoping $570,000.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0002 Northern Neck Planning District Commission - Elevation of Five Residences $1,611,207.00 Identified for Further Review
Virginia EMP-2022-FM-008-0005 City of Norfolk - Elevation $2,014,445.00 Identified for Further Review
Wyoming EMD-2022-FM-003-0001 North Platte River - Boozer Creek Restoration Flood Control $886,296.75 Identified for Further Review