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Building Climate Resilience

Forward-thinking climate resilient strategies are a critical step for mitigating climate change and enhancing community resilience. FEMA empowers communities to build resilience through nature-based solutions, low embodied carbon materials, projects with net-zero energy, and other infrastructure solutions.

Climate Resilient Infrastructure

The Inflation Reduction Act authorizes FEMA to fund costs associated with low-carbon materials and net-zero energy, even when the costs are higher than those for conventional materials, to help cut carbon pollution, and build back cleaner and more resilient.

Nature-based solutions are sustainable planning, design, environmental management and engineering practices that weave natural features or processes into the built environment to promote adaptation and resilience.

FEMA and states, local communities, territories and Tribal Nations are working together to become more prepared for the future.

Building Science and Building Codes involve the study of how natural hazards affect structures, and how we can build stronger to be more resilient against these hazards.