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Tools Sponsored by the Office of Emerging Threats

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Visit the Office of Emerging Threats organizational page to learn about the team's mission and operations.

FEMA has developed and sponsored a standardized suite of response capabilities for federal, state, local, tribal and territorial emergency responders and planners to rapidly and effectively minimize loss of life, protect the environment and maintain the economy.

National Common Operating Platform for Responding to CBRN Hazards

The CBRNResponder Network is a single, secure platform for all chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incident data-sharing and multi-hazard event management, integrating multiple federal assets and national-level policy guidance.

CBRNResponder includes ChemResponder for chemical incidents, RadResponder for radiological/nuclear incidents, and BioResponder for biological incidents.

With RadResponder and ChemResponder, more than 1,500 organizations nationwide can view a common event space and robustly prepare for and respond to radiological or chemical threats.

Key Planning Factors and Considerations for Response to and Recovery from a...

Key planning documents help local and state planners identify key planning factors (KPF) that could substantially aid the recovery process by decreasing recovery timeline and costs, improving public health and safety and addressing major resource limitations and critical decisions.

Chemical Incident

Key Planning Factors
Online Course | Digital Guide | PDF Guide | Fact Sheet

Planning Framework for Chemical Incident Consequence Management
Online Course | Digital Guide | PDF Guide | Fact Sheet

Biological Incident

Key Planning Factors
Online Course | Digital Guide | PDF Guide | Fact Sheet

Nuclear Incident

Key Planning Factors
PDF Guide

Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation
PDF Guide | Fact Sheet

Planning for the First 72 Hours
PDF Guide

Radiological Incident

Key Planning Factors
PDF Guide

Planning Guidance for Responding to and Recovering from Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Incidents
PDF Guide

Nuclear Detonation Visualization Videos

An attack with a nuclear weapon is a highly unlikely event. However, nuclear weapons exist and, as long as they exist, it is our duty to prepare for any hazard that could impact the United States. As part of FEMA’s ongoing efforts to resource and train the emergency management workforce to respond to all hazards, FEMA developed planning guidance and information videos to help state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) jurisdictions plan and prepare for nuclear detonations.

Watch the Videos

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Communications Guidance

Risk and crisis communications in addition to protective action messaging, will be among the first emergency response actions taken after a nuclear detonation, and the most lifesaving. This guide contains pre-scripted messages and resources that support the quick provision of safety instructions and improve individual decision-making in the immediate aftermath.  

Download the pre-scripted emergency message guides, translated into 29 languages (each a single document), designed to ensure consistent and accurate information dissemination during an R/N incident. Guide languages include: Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Farsi, French, French/Haitian Creole, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Hmong, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mon-Khmer – Cambodian, Panjabi, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Yiddish.

Interactive Web Tools

Available to planners via the FEMA PrepToolkit, the Nuclear Device City Planner Resource (nucCPR) and Chemical City Planner Resource (chemCPR) are interactive web tools. These interactive, Web-based strategic planning tools provide more realistic visualizations of fallout behavior and impact estimates with key planning factors to help planners understand how an event may unfold, its impacts, and possible response actions.  

Features include:

  • Animations, maps, movies and editable reports
  • Multiple scenarios for more 60 U.S. cities
  • Resource planning
  • Animated fallout effects
  • Maps for evacuation and shelter planning
  • Interactive GIS tools

To request access to either tool, log into the FEMA PrepToolkit and apply for access to the tools from the Preparedness Toolkits.

Regional Emerging Threat Coordinators

FEMA's Regional Office of Emerging Threats (OET) Coordinators operate out of each of FEMA’s 10 FEMA regional offices and serve as a point of contact for OET preparedness and incident response activities for all stakeholders and partners.

Send us an email to identify and reach your local Regional OET Coordinators.

Fact Sheet: Regional OET Coordinator

PDF Link Icon

Additional FEMA Resources

Technological Hazards Resource and Reference Library

View the Technological Hazards library for related reports, regulation, policy and guidance documents.

About Our Team

Visit the Office of Emerging Threats organizational page to learn about the team's mission and operations.

Community Lifelines

The Hazardous Materials Lifeline is part of the Community Lifelines Toolkit developed by FEMA to increase effectiveness in disaster operations and better respond to catastrophic incidents.