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Flood Map-Related Fees

This page outlines the current fee schedule for processing certain map change requests to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood map products, Letter of Determination Review (LODR) and for Flood Insurance Study (FIS) backup data requests.

Attention: This fee schedule is effective for all requests post marked on or after February 20, 2015.


The current fee schedule will allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to further reduce the expenses to the NFIP by recovering more of the costs associated with processing conditional and final map change requests.

The review and processing fees effective for 2015 include those associated with Conditional Letter of Map Amendment (CLOMA), Conditional Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (CLOMR-F), Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F), Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR), Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), Physical Map Revision (PMR), and Letter of Determination (LODR) requests.

Federal Register Notices Available for Download

On January 21, 2015, FEMA published a Notice in the Federal Register announcing the revised fee schedule.

Download the Federal Register Notice: 2015 Fee Schedule for additional information.

Current Fee Schedule for Map Change and LODR Requests

The current fee schedule for conditional and final map change requests submitted by MT-1 and MT-2 paper forms and the Online Letter of Map Change (LOMC) tool are provided below. By submitting requests online, fees are reduced since processing costs are lower.

Requests for Single-Lot, Single-Structure Map ChangePaper Form FeeOnline LOMC Fee
Single-Lot or Single-Structure LOMAFreeFree
Single-Lot/Single-Structure CLOMA and CLOMR-F$600$500
Single-Lot/Single-Structure LOMR-F$525$425
Single-Lot/Single-Structure LOMR-F Based on As-Built Information (CLOMR-F previously issued by FEMA)$425$325
Requests for Multiple-Lot/Multiple-Structure Map ChangesPaper Form FeeOnline LOMC Fee
Multiple-Lot/Multiple-Structure LOMAFreeFree
Multiple-Lot/Multiple-Structure CLOMA$800$700
Multiple-Lot/Multiple-Structure CLOMR-F and LOMR-F$900$800
Multiple-Lot/Multiple-Structure LOMR-F Based on As-Built Information (CLOMR-F previously issued by FEMA)$800$700
Requests for Map Changes Requiring Special Technical ReviewPaper Form FeeOnline LOMC Fee
CLOMR Based on New Hydrology, Bridge, Culvert, Channel or Combination Thereof$6,750$6,500
CLOMR Based on Levee, Berm or Other Structural Measures$7,250 (plus $60/hr)$7,000  (plus $60/hr)
LOMR Based on Bridge, Culvert, Channel, Hydrology, or Combination Thereof$8,250$8,000
LOMR Based on Levee, Berm or Other Structural Measures$9,250 (plus $60/hr)$9,000 (plus $60/hr)
LOMR Based on As-Built Information Submitted as a Follow-up to a CLOMR$8,250$8,000
LOMR Based Solely on Submission of More Detailed DataFreeFree
LOMR/CLOMR Based on Structural Measures on Alluvial Fans$7,250 (plus $60/hr)$7,000 (plus $60/hr)
Requests for Mapping of Physical Map Revisions (PMRs)Paper Form FeeOnline LOMC Fee
PMR Based Solely on Submission of More Detailed DataFreeFree
PMR Based on a Bridge, Culvert, Channel, Hydrology, or Combination Thereof$8,250 (plus $2,500 per FIRM panel)$8,000 (plus $2,500 per FIRM panel)
PMR Based on As-Built Information Submitted as a Follow-Up to a CLOMR$8,250 (plus $2,500 per FIRM panel)$8,000 (plus $2,500 per FIRM panel)
PMR Based on a Levee, Berm, or Other Structural Measure$9,250 (plus $60/hr and $2,500 per FIRM panel)$9,000 (plus $60/hr and $2,500 per FIRM panel)
PMR Based on Structural Measures on Alluvial Fans$7,250 (plus $60/hr and $2,500 per FIRM panel)$7,000 (plus $60/hr and $2,500 per FIRM panel)

For determination requests that do not result in an amendment or revision to a FIRM, a lender and property owner may jointly submit a Letter of Determination of Review (LODR) request to FEMA within 45 days following the date the lender notified the property owner of being in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). While this determination cannot consider the elevation of your structure or property, it can be useful if you feel the lender's interpretation of the FIRM is incorrect.

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Please visit How To Request a Flood Hazard Determination Review from FEMA for additional information regarding the Letter of Determination of Review process. 

Please note, Online LOMC tool does not accept LODR requests.

Non-Map Change RequestsPaper Form Fee
Letter of Determination Review (LODR)$80

Payment for initial fees must be submitted and received with the request and before services will be rendered. Fees are non-refundable once FEMA begins its review. payments. FEMA will also continue to recover the remainder of the review and processing costs by invoicing the requester before issuing a determination letter. Please view Payment Submission Requirements for Requests section below for details on submitting payment.

For requests submitted through the Online LOMC tool, payment is collected in the tool, including payments for remaining costs of the application review.

Fee Exemptions for Map Change Requests

In accordance with Section 72.5 of the NFIP regulations, review and processing fees are not required for the following types of map change requests:

  • Map changes based on mapping or study analysis errors
  • Map changes based on the effects of natural changes within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
  • Requests for LOMAs
  • Federally sponsored flood-control projects where 50 percent or more of the project's costs are federally funded
  • Map changes based on detailed hydrologic and hydraulic studies conducted by federal, state or local agencies to replace approximate studies conducted by FEMA and shown on the effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
  • Map changes based on flood hazard information meant to improve upon that shown on the flood map or within the flood study. NOTE: Improvements to flood maps or studies that partially or wholly incorporate manmade modifications within the SFHA will not be exempt from fees

In accordance with the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014 (Public Law 113-89, section 22), a requester shall be exempt from submitting a review or processing fee for a request for a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) change based on a project where: (1) the primary purpose is habitat restoration; and (2) where the project is funded in whole or in part with Federal or State funds.  This exemption includes projects for dam removal, culvert redesign or installation or the installation of fish passage.   For the purposes of this exemption, “habitat restoration” will have the same meaning as the term as it appears in the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act, 16 USC § 3772 (5).

Current Fee Schedule for Requests for Flood Insurance Study Backup Data

The current fee schedule for requests for Flood Insurance Study (FIS) backup (i.e., technical and administrative support) data is provided below in 7 separate categories:

Requests for Flood Insurance Backup DataFee
1. Portable Document Format (PDF) or Diskettes of hydrologic and hydraulic backup data for current or historical FISs$300, plus a $93 per-case surcharge fee to recover the cost of library maintenance and archiving. For larger requests that require more than 4 hours of research, additional hours will be charged at $40 per hour. View below for additional fee information on this request.
2. PDF or Mylar copies of topographic mapping developed during FIS process$300, plus a $93 per-case surcharge fee to recover the cost of library maintenance and archiving. For larger requests that require more than 4 hours of research, additional hours will be charged at $40 per hour. View below for additional fee information on this request.
3. PDF of survey notes developed during FIS process$300, plus a $93 per-case surcharge fee to recover the cost of library maintenance and archiving. For larger requests that require more than 4 hours of research, additional hours will be charged at $40 per hour. View below for additional fee information on this request.
4. PDF of individual Letters of Map Change (LOMCs)$40 for first letter; $10 for each additional letter in the same request. Requesters will be notified about availability of the data and the fees associated with the requested data.
5. PDF of preliminary map panels$35 for first panel; $2 for each additional panel in the same request. Requesters will be notified about availability of the data and the fees associated with the requested data.
6. DVDs of Digital Line Graph files, FIRM files or Digital LOMR attachment files$150 per county or Digital LOMR attachment shape file. Requesters will be notified about availability of the data and the fees associated with the requested data.
7. Computer diskettes and user manuals for FEMA computer programs$25 per copy. Requesters will be notified about availability of the data and the fees associated with the requested data.

As shown in the table above, for Categories 1-3, an initial fee of $300 is required to initiate the request and required before the requested data will be provided. If the data requested are available and the request is not cancelled, the final fee is calculated as a sum of the standard per-product charge plus a per-case surcharge of $93, to help recover library maintenance and archiving costs. The total costs of processing requests in Categories 1- 3 will vary based on the complexity of the research involved in retrieving the data and the volume and medium of the data to be reproduced and distributed. The initial flat fee will be applied against the total costs to process the request, and FEMA will invoice the requester for the balance plus the per-case surcharge before the data are provided. No data will be provided to a requester until all required fees have been paid.

For Categories 4- 7, there is no initial fee to initiate a request for data. Requesters will be notified about the availability of, and the fees associated with, the requested data.

Payment must be received before services and data are rendered. View the Payment Submission Requirements for Requests section below for details on submitting payments.

Fee Exemptions for Requests for Flood Insurance Study Backup Data

The following are exempt from paying fees for FIS backup data:

  • Private architectural-engineering firms under contract to FEMA to perform or evaluate studies and restudies
  • Federal agencies involved in performing studies and restudies for FEMA (i.e., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Tennessee Valley Authority)
  • Communities that have supplied the Digital Line Graph base or other digital community GIS data to FEMA and request the Digital Line Graph data or FIRM files (Category 6)
  • Communities that request data during the statutory 90-day appeal period for an initial or revised FIS for that community
  • Mapped participating communities that request data at any time other than during the statutory 90-day appeal period, provided the data are for use by the community and not a third-party user
  • State NFIP Coordinators, provided that the data that they request are for use by the State NFIP Coordinators and not for use by a third-party user

Payment Submission Requirements for Requests

Fee payments for non-exempt requests must be made in advance of services being rendered. These payments shall be made in the form of a check, money order, or by credit card payment. Checks and money orders must be made payable, in U.S. funds, to the National Flood Insurance Program.

FEMA will deposit all fees collected to the National Flood Insurance Fund, which is the source of funding for providing these services.

FEMA Flood Map Service Center

To learn more about the available flood hazard mapping products created under the NFIP, the FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC) is the official online location for accessing your community's flood map and a variety of other products detailing a communities' flood risk free of charge.

Anyone can benefit from and use these free products and maps for a range of purposes, including purchasing a home or insurance, mitigation planning, safer construction and community/urban planning:

  • Real estate professionals
  • Insurance providers
  • Appraisers
  • Builders and land developers
  • Design engineers and surveyors
  • Financial lenders
  • Homeowners and other private citizens

Get Assistance

For additional information or assistance, contact a Map Specialist in the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX).