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Funding and Technical Assistance for State, Local and Territorial Governments

Insular Areas

Process & Application Cycle

Additional Resources

States can apply for Hazard Mitigation Assistance funding as primary applicants. Local communities often apply as subapplicants through the state process.

Insular Areas

For insular areas – including American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands – FEMA automatically waives the non-federal cost share for the recipient when the non-federal cost share for the entire award is under $200,000. The applicant may request the waiver when they apply.

Grant Process and Application Cycle

Resources are available on each grant program's page that describe what states, communities and territories can expect before, during, and after the application cycle.

The timelines for application awards can vary by program and project type. Learn more about the average timelines for disaster programs and non-disaster programs.

This program supports states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.

The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program is a competitive program that provides funding to states, federally recognized Tribal governments, U.S. territories, and local governments.

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current (Swift Current) effort provides funding to mitigate buildings insured through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) after a major disaster declaration following a flood-related disaster event to reduce risk against future flood damage. The Swift Current availability window accept applications between June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024.

The Safeguarding Tomorrow RLF program complements and supplements FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant portfolio to support mitigation projects at the local government level and increase the nation’s resilience to natural hazards and climate change. These low interest loans will allow jurisdictions to reduce vulnerability to natural disasters, foster greater community resilience and reduce disaster suffering.

presidential major disaster declaration makes HMGP funds available if requested by a governor or tribal executive in eligible communities in a state, tribe or territory. The amount of funding is based on the estimated total federal assistance, subject to a sliding scale formula. Funding is based on the estimated total or aggregate cost of disaster assistance.

Additional Resources

Trainings and webinars are designed to help FEMA regional partners and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments create effective hazard mitigation plans that meet FEMA’s requirements and reduce risk in their communities.

Tools and job aids are available to help applicants and subapplicants throughout the process of applying for Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants.

Prospective applicants and sub-applicants should consult the official designated point of contact for their applicant state/tribe/territory for further information regarding specific program and application requirements.