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Office of the Administrator



Major Functions


The Administrator’s mission, as defined by the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act, is to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards, by leading and supporting the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation. The Administrator is responsible for preparing for, protecting against, responding to, recovering from and mitigating against the risk of a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster. 

The Administrator shall partner with state, local governments and other emergency providers to build a national system of emergency management. The Administrator shall integrate the Agency’s emergency preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation responsibilities to confront the challenges of a natural disaster, act of terrorism or other man-made disaster. Finally, the Administrator shall coordinate the implementation of risk-based, all-hazards strategy.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (Department of Homeldnd Security) Seal

FEMA's Mission

Helping people before, during and after disasters.


Major Functions

The Office of the Administrator (OA) contains program offices that directly support the Administrator and Deputy Administrator in the performance of their duties, as well as several program offices that provide Agency-wide coordination, guidance, and oversight on key topics. The DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, which serves all of DHS, is also administratively housed within OA.

Executive Office

Supports the Administrator and Deputy Administrator so that they are able to represent the Agency, move our mission forward, and provide strategic direction for the program offices into the future Ensures that products, reports, speeches, and other Agency deliverables are in line with the voice of the leadership and that the Agency speaks with one voice and delivers a consistent message.  The Executive Office oversees the following programs and functions:

Leads FEMA's commitment to achieving whole community emergency management, inclusive of individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, by providing guidance, tools, methods and strategies to establish equal physical, program and effective communication access.

Serves the Agency and the Nation by promoting affirmative employment, a discrimination-free workplace, and equal access to FEMA programs and benefits.

Engages, informs and educates our partners and the public to achieve the FEMA mission of helping people before, during and after disasters.

Provides solutions to enable our core mission, while growing beyond it, shares information to ensure efficient and effective solutions, and manages calculated risks to address legacy issues in innovative ways.

Interacts with representatives of Federal, State, local, and regional authorities and private and non-profit sectors in order to enhance the many homeland security efforts underway in the NCR.

Guides the planning, implementation and assessment of continuity programs that enable federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments to continue performance of essential functions and deliver critical services across a broad spectrum of emergencies when normal operations are disrupted.

Serves the Department and Agency with broad expertise and an objective, enterprise-wide view, providing exceptional consultation and customer service to help FEMA effectively evaluate, decide, govern, and execute its strategic goals.

Ensures expeditious, fair, and objective follow up and resolution of all allegations of employee misconduct and assists our agency in building a culture that reflects our core values of compassion, fairness, integrity, and respect for our employees and those we serve.